Shinagawa Intercity Post Office in Minato City

JapanShinagawa Intercity Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒108-0075 Tokyo, Minato City, Kōnan, 2-chōme−15−2 品川インターシティB棟 1階
kontakte telefon: +81 3-3458-1593
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6261714, Longitude: 139.7420717

kommentare 5

  • ちょっと待て太郎



    It's polite at best, but it's really slow! The woman at the post office was very laid back, and I was uncomfortable with her condescending way of looking at me and her way of speaking. The speed is incredible for a business district. The store has moved from another business district, but I think it would be better to follow other stores and think about staffing. If each person used their brains a little bit at a time, the efficiency would be completely different throughout the day...I think it would be better to make a little more effort to save time and organize. postscript The notice that says "Due to chronic labor shortages, it will take time" is amazing. Please use another post office! It's close! As it says, the post office where I went was also quite crowded. We are together after all. Inefficiency can be felt even before there is a shortage of personnel.

  • Zasもこ



    The service is so bad that they just throw out the stamps and change in the tray.

  • 木村亜希子



    A small post office within Intercity. Businessmen who work in offices in the same building are constantly visiting. It's a small post office, but it's quite busy.

  • Kamran



    A bit of a wait, but overall helpful service and helped me get my post sorted

  • mayu n

    mayu n


    Even though the package arrived at my house in size 80, it was measured in size 100 at the post office. (It was a size 80 when I measured it at home.) The woman at the counter, who was in her 50s, was measuring with a twisted tape measure, which made her feel very uncomfortable. Please be careful when sending your luggage here.

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