Shin Osaka Washington Hotel Plaza i Osaka

JapanShin Osaka Washington Hotel Plaza


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5-chōme-5-15 Nishinakajima, Yodogawa Ward, Osaka, 532-0011, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 6-6303-8111
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.7303562, Longitude: 135.5002451

kommentar 5

  • James Gibbs

    James Gibbs


    The restaurant in the hotel, China Table, shamefully serves shark fin on their menu. This is disgusting. Shark fin is not sourced suitably. They are illegally caught and thrown back in the sea to die a painful death. It should be removed from the menu. On the plus side. The service is great and couldn't do enough to help.

  • Chimera Samson

    Chimera Samson


    This hotel is okay but furnitures are already outdated . The beds are very stiff and the pillows were like Sandbags. The location of the hotel is promising which is close to the station, the business could be more booming if the ameneties were only up to scratch. The centralized airconditioning system but is not switched on when you put your card key. so I decided to open the window rather than trouble the Staff and make another query about the aircon which i know will not be rectified.The Staff are very helpful, courteous and eventhough the facilities are from the 80's. and I know English is not necessesarry but sometime when you work in a hospitality Business can we make sure it's a must on some occations.

  • Leo Garcia

    Leo Garcia


    This hotel is very decent... semi luxurious in the lobby but.... furnitures are already old. The beds are very stiff for my back and the conditioner dispenser was leaking. One bulb is out in the ceiling. There is only a centralized airconditioning system but is not turned on so they advised me to open the window. No money exchange machine too. Staff is helpful but English language is a problem. Pros: it has good breakfast buffet and it is walking distance to the train station.

  • Riana Santoso

    Riana Santoso


    This is my 2nd times stay for 4 - 5 nights here. Clean & perfect hotel, except the Reception only understand basic English. Location near to Shin Osaka Station.

  • Jonathan



    It’s a comfortable hotel for a short stay, although I thought the mattress I was on was a little too stiff for my liking. Nice lobby area, has that New York feel with an amazing chandelier. The bedrooms looked aged, but the bathroom was modern, rather odd they refurbished the bathroom and not the bedrooms in this hotel. The best bit is the breakfast on the 23rd floor. Amazing views across the city. Nothing of interest in the immediate area around the hotel, but you got the massive train station nearby with lots on and trains to take you about the place.

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