Shimizu Food Center Kodo in Niigata

JapanShimizu Food Center Kodo



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Japan, 〒950-0032 Niigata, Higashi Ward, Kōdo, 甲377−1
kontakte telefon: +81 25-273-4520
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.9472188, Longitude: 139.1001571

kommentare 5

  • コタツムリ



    It's under the Aeon group, so the product selection and price aren't worth it. .

  • Tetsu W

    Tetsu W


    The quality of the fresh fish stood out compared to other stores. but…… It's not a problem with this store, but the "Shimizu Food Gift Certificate" was out of paper. The 5,000 yen I have is ∑( ̄Д ̄;)

  • umi .a

    umi .a


    Since it is affiliated with Aeon, I came to the store on Thanksgiving Day with high expectations. They didn't have the yogurt drink I wanted, so I ended up going to another crowded Aeon store... There was no greeting, ``Welcome,'' and I felt that the education was not thorough. I think it would be convenient to have an Aeon Bank ATM.

  • マチルダ



    Although it has been a long time since the store became an AEON chain, the layout of the products inside the store has not changed that much. Therefore, I think the good thing about it is that it is easy to get a general idea of ​​what is stored where. Product prices are comparatively a little higher than average for products other than Aeon brand products. There is a WAON terminal on the left side of the entrance. My personal favorites are Shimizu Food's original British bread (no slices, thickly cut ones are also available) and dried grape bread baked without yeast (pound size, also no slices). British bread is made using a simple method and has a fine texture, and is delicious as is or in sandwiches, but when baked, it becomes crispy and irresistible. Dried grape bread tends to burn when baked, but if you eat it piping hot with butter or margarine, the saltiness and sweetness of the bread will instantly give you a cafe-like feel. Both are delicious breads that go well with tea. It seems that the British bread without slices is only available on Saturdays and Sundays. Each store has a fixed number of them, so if you have a chance, please try them once.

  • マルコ



    The vegetables are fresh, including those directly from the farm, and the prices are reasonable! When the time comes, you'll be happy to see some nice yatsuzu heads that you don't often see at other supermarkets. The store nearby has closed, so I can't use it much at the moment, but it's about time for what I'm looking for to come out, so I'm going to go there 😄

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