Shimizu Bank Kakegawa en Kakegawa

JapónShimizu Bank Kakegawa



🕗 horarios

2-5 Nakamachi, Kakegawa, Shizuoka 436-0092, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 537-22-7131
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.773063, Longitude: 138.013653

comentarios 5

  • ーー



    When I first saw it, I thought it was a historical museum. Later I was surprised to find out it was a bank. I wish it existed where I live.

  • Mouse Mickey

    Mouse Mickey


    Is this the bank? There is no blue sign, so you won't notice. Blends into the city❗

  • otchan kk.

    otchan kk.


    I haven't used this store since I don't have an account, but it's a building with a great atmosphere, in response to the urban development around Kakegawa Castle. There's a rumor that if you use the ATM here, you'll sometimes get small coins...I don't think so (o^^o)

  • Toru



    AWESOME great work SHIMIZU BANK!! Shimizu Bank, through its Kakegawa branch, is making wonderful efforts to contribute to the local community and pass on its culture. This shows that the company is aware of the value of the landscape, which is a public property, and is willing to take good care of it, which is worthy of praise. I was impressed to see that a bank, which plays a central role in regional development, is taking such wonderful initiatives to cherish the culture of the city. wonderful! If more buildings like this were built, pride would be restored to the city.

  • madeleine



    After Kakegawa Castle was taken care of, the exterior was decorated to look like a castle town, and now has a somewhat interesting Japanese-style storefront. During Kakegawa's big festival, there is a spectacle in this area as well, so the atmosphere is quite nice. ATMs can be used on Sundays and public holidays.

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