Shimada Family Clinics i Otake

JapanShimada Family Clinics



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3-chōme-12-7 Yūmi, Otake, Hiroshima 739-0612, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 827-53-3022
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Latitude: 34.2193325, Longitude: 132.2208888

kommentar 5

  • とんとん



    The doctor is very kind and examines me carefully. However, I felt very uncomfortable with the arrogant attitude of the receptionist.

  • 正木冴



    I am having my 5 year old child and myself examined. The teacher speaks very calmly and matter-of-factly, and if you ask about something you don't understand, he will explain it to you. There are some reviews that say that the nurses and office staff are colder, but I don't really care because I have to deal with a lot of patients in the medical field, so I think it's tough!

  • mizuki



    My son's family visits him for vaccinations and checkups. The teachers are kind and the nurses are also kind.

  • さくら



    The teacher is very calm, kind and trustworthy. However, the nurses, who are in their 30s and 40s, are harsh and have a superior attitude. Even though I went to the hospital feeling anxious, I was harshly criticized and it made me sad. I think there is something wrong with nurses, who are the closest people to patients, pushing them mentally. I understand that the medical field is nervous right now, but I also think it's wrong to show that to patients. Of course, there are also kind nurses. However, I have had a long-term relationship with this pediatrician, so if a nurse behaves like this, I might have a bad experience the next time I see her, so I find it difficult to go there anymore. Also, some of the receptionists are unpleasant. It's a shame because the doctors at this hospital are good.

  • アルティメットSUGA



    The teacher himself is a good person The nurse's attitude is bad. I requested a coronavirus antigen test for my child. I was laughed at because it looked so troublesome. I'm not doing it because I want to, but I feel bad about it. In this day and age of coronavirus, nurses may also be irritated. Isn't it wrong to show that in your attitude?

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