Shikoku Bank Head Office i Kochi

JapanShikoku Bank Head Office



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-1-1 Minamiharimayachō, Kochi, 780-0833, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 88-823-2111
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.5592515, Longitude: 133.5425916

kommentar 5

  • 石川和哉



    Would it have been enough if I deposited the bonus when I was still a student? That's what the bank employee told me. I pulled it the next day.

  • アリエル



    This has nothing to do with banks, but I want thinkers to stop spouting nonsense and lies at intersections in front of banks. First of all, do you know that you need a road use permit? No, you probably don't. It's a pain because I don't even go to work on weekday mornings.

  • au Ri

    au Ri


    Do people in Kochi think of customers as friends? Maybe he thought I was young because I went there to transfer my graduate school tuition fees, but if that's what you think, then it's natural for you to use honorific language regardless of your age. I also tried to use my words politely to get him to notice.(If you're educated, you'll notice right away when you see someone's behavior.)However, that person's bad mouth didn't go away. I think banks change depending on the counter. There are many study sessions on hospitality, so I think you should study them.

  • Angelina



    This building has been standing near the key point where the north-south track and the east-west track of Tosaden Transportation intersect, forming a part of Kochi's landscape. He has a baseball team and is doing his best as a member of Oranku's adult team. Since the first Yosakoi Festival, dancers have been participating as part of their contribution to the community.

  • 勇次



    They won't answer the phone if even one minute passes outside of business hours. Are you working? The magnetism of my cash card has gone bad and I have to pay to have it reissued. Money collecting banks that charge fees for everything. Naturally, most bank employees are Takabi. They also charge money on credit card statements. I chose Vpass, which does not require details. I can't easily log in to that vpass💢 It can't be simplified in any way and remains the same. When I inquired, the person in charge kept saying Google, but 🤔 Can I log in with Google? I want you to take it easy💢💢💢💢💢💢

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