Shichijushichiginko Nankodai Shiten en Sendai

JapónShichijushichiginko Nankodai Shiten



🕗 horarios

7-chōme-1-5 Nankōdai, Izumi Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 981-8003, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 22-272-7761
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.2983828, Longitude: 140.8984142

comentarios 5

  • ぽぽ



    The ATM line is crowded all the way to the outside, but one machine is being inspected every time.

  • ずんだのもちこ



    A bank located on Shijo-dori, the main street in Nankodai, Izumi Ward. In the past, it was good that there was always someone in the parking lot, but recently (2024) there are times when there are people there and sometimes there aren't, and I've seen taxis having trouble several times. Asahigaoka and Nankodai have steep slopes, so it seems that elderly people come by taxi. It's not a large parking lot, so if you accidentally enter and there's no space, you won't be able to move. The female bank employee at the counter was kind and took the time to explain everything I wanted to know. It's an old branch, so it's a bit cramped and difficult to line up at the ATM.

  • 佐藤憲一



    I always go there during my lunch break, but I only check the ATMs during the day when there are a lot of customers. Is it something that can't be helped?

  • kou kaho

    kou kaho


    There will be a staff member in the parking lot to guide you.

  • ぼびボビオ



    Is it normal? Very normal! The only thing I can say is that it depends on the location. Are there many users who are overbearing? ...There are a lot of people who drive up in foreign luxury cars or that luxury Toyota wagon and say, ``You're in my way!'' At the cash card corner, there are people who spend a lot of time doing things such as making transfers in addition to filling in their bankbooks...I've even been scolded and asked what I was looking at!Even though I was just following the order...

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