Shichijushichiginko Higashisendai Shiten in Sendai

JapanShichijushichiginko Higashisendai Shiten



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1-chōme-2-17 Higashisendai, Miyagino Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 983-0833, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 22-251-5251
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 38.2792321, Longitude: 140.9201181

kommentare 5

  • 虹


    working behind the counter He wears glasses and has a chin mask. A middle-aged male employee waiting for a work call in a chair I was on the phone while looking at the customer. While staring at the customer You are making a work call. I'm sure it's great at 77 Bank. Who are you? His rural personality came through.

  • まり



    I was shocked at how bad the phone service was. Please take basic customer service training.

  • sgo 5

    sgo 5


    The counter service is not very nice. It was nice to be greeted cheerfully when I entered, but there was no information asking if there was anything I needed to do or any other instructions. After entering and waiting for about 20 seconds, I used the reception machine to issue my ticket. Isn't it good to be a robot? I thought.

  • 名川スピカ



    The branch facing the back street also has the worst service. Please close early. Everyone reviews for a reason, right? It's a terrible branch. Well, I had expected them to contact me, but I was disappointed by the man in the backyard staring at me and the counter's low voice and incompetence.

  • 蜘蛛乃糸



    I was guided around by a female bank employee with bad breath. Don't you realize it yourself? This was the trigger for me to break my promise and cancel the contract.I told the woman who appeared to be my boss that this was one of the reasons for canceling the contract. It's just one person's fault! I wonder what the top management is thinking??

nächste Bank

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