Shibuya MODI in Shibuya-ku

JapanShibuya MODI



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1 Chome-21-3 Jinnan, Shibuya-ku, Tōkyō-to 150-0041, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-4336-0101
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.661586, Longitude: 139.7005338

kommentare 5

  • OMΞGUS Official

    OMΞGUS Official


    Its a good place there even a karaoke place on the 8F check it out!

  • Emma McGill

    Emma McGill


    From the outside it looks pretty big, but actually it's quite small with very limited variety of products. Only floor 6 is for men's which you must reach by only 1 crowded elevator, then once you get there its all very expensive and not for men under the age of 40. I was quite dissappointed on my visit.

  • en

    brian yaputra


    literally the best shopping place in the shibuya for me! and the starbucks there was sooo big

  • Tony Yu

    Tony Yu


    Typical department store building in Tokyo, and this one only selling girls clothes in middle price range. You can comfortably walk inside even in the peak hours.

  • Shinji Hirako

    Shinji Hirako


    There was an amazing karaoke bar i went to in there. I cant remember the name of it . If anyone knows can you message me. i would love to go back there when i get the chance!

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