Shibuya Jinnan Post Office w Shibuya City

JaponiaShibuya Jinnan Post Office



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Nissay Shibuya Bldg., 1-chōme-21-1 Jinnan, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0041, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3461-9919
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.6620158, Longitude: 139.7005847

komentarze 5

  • うさぎさん



    I use it often. I have never had a bad experience at this post office. Thank you very much for your always kind response.

  • #もん



    The woman at the mail reception desk was very kind and easy to work with! They suggested a cheaper option, added creases to make it easier to insert Letter Pack, and used the Yu-Pack cover letter that I had already filled out, saving me a lot of time. . The day before, I had a very bad experience at the Shiba Post Office, and I was prepared for it to happen again, but I was really moved! thank you very much!

  • お池



    ATM operating hours Monday to Saturday 8:00-21:00 Sundays and holidays 8:00-20:00 Of course there is no parking lot. It's conveniently located right in front of Tower Records Shibuya main store. The only drawback is that there is only one ATM.

  • のさ



    Even though it's a very hot day, both security guards in the outdoor parking lot are still wearing masks.It's still abnormal if it's a company order, but it's also abnormal if they wear one even though it's voluntary.Is it Ataoka? P.S. After posting this post, will you give instructions to the security company if you submit your opinion from the official website of the Postal Service? Apparently, the outdoor security guard was wearing his bare face.

  • tajii 999

    tajii 999


    The post office is located in the middle of Shibuya, and there are many ATMs, which is a big plus for Yuucho users. This is because people often repeat the procedure many times even though they only have one. Don't you realize that the people in the line behind you are staring at you? That's about it. The regular counters are rarely open.

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