Shibuya Granbell Hotel i Shibuya-ku

JapanShibuya Granbell Hotel


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Japan, 〒150-0031 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, 桜丘町Sakuragaokachō, 15−17
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5457-2681
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6562644, Longitude: 139.7016964

kommentar 5

  • Sébastien Denis

    Sébastien Denis


    I was disappointed by the place. It is allegedly a boutique hotel superior to the usual business hotel, but at a reasonable price. Well I can not see what is boutique, and felt like in one of the usual Tokyo business hotel, which are usually good but this place is supposed to be different. As expected, tiny room with no window, the bathroom is a cabin, lots of amenities. Breakfast really bad, good service as usual for Tokyo. Most positive point is the location: quiet but just around the corner of the Shibuya action.

  • en

    Sharon Chow


    Place was hard to find. JR station staff couldn't point me in the right direction. Currently there's a lot of development going on in Shibuya so it's in an inconvenient part (stayed 21/4/18) of town. On a hill so if you have a lot of luggage... Will be a workout. Room was neat and tidy. The lobby/front desk was really dark which made me feel a bit uncomfortable. The staff were friendly and had a good command of English, but I stored my luggage with them after check out and when I went to collect it they brought out someone else's. Asked me to go look for my own luggage even though there was a tag and it was right in front of them.

  • Cady Conover

    Cady Conover


    Located convenient to the rail station and many delicious restaurants. The Granbell was ideal. The rooms were clean and comfortable. In the room they provided coffee and tea, slippers and night gowns, and all of the toiletries you could need. They also provided a complimentary breakfast every morning. The staff was incredibly helpful and accommodating. And they spoke English which was appreciated. Over all a great place to stay.

  • Cyrill Badir

    Cyrill Badir


    Sauber, Zentral, Modern und Stylisch. Leider war das Zimmer sehr klein.

  • de



    Hallo habe das Hotel nun 1 Woche besucht und Zwar im Sogenannten "Bears Hotel" Zimmer. Im großen und Ganzen ein Super Hotel, moderne und verspielte Zimmer. Ein super Bad mit Dusche und Extra Badewanne. Alles Tip top Sauber, und ordentlich. Die Lage ist zum Bunmeln in Shibuya perfekt 5 min Fußweg zur Shibuya Station und der Berühmten Kreuzung. Das Servicepersonal ist auch sehr freundlich und zuvorkommend. Frühstücken kann man in Beiden, im Haus integrierten, Restaurants. Wobei ich das Japanische Frühstück nur empfehlen kann das Westliche Buffet im anderen Restaurant was jetzt nicht so der Renner. 1 Stern Abzug gibt es für das schwache bist teilweise nicht vorhandene w-lan und das man das Fenster nicht öffnen kann. Man hat zwar Lüfter im Zimmer aber mir wäre ein offenes Fenster schon lieber da die Luft in Tokio ohnehin nicht schlecht ist. Aber sonst Top Hotel kann ich nur weiterempfehlen.

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