Shibuya Excel Hotel Tokyu en Shibuya City

JapónShibuya Excel Hotel Tokyu



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Domingoabierto 24 horas
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1-chōme-12-2 Dōgenzaka, Shibuya City, Tokyo 150-0043, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-5457-0109
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.6585773, Longitude: 139.6998213

comentarios 5

  • Carmen



    Me and my husband stayed here very recently. Overall, it was a positive experience but didn't feel that it was worth what we paid. We paid slightly less for the other hotels we stayed in during our time in Japan, which were all more modern. This hotel is rather dated; the room wasn't too bad but the bathroom is definitely very outdated! The rooms are more spacious compared to others you may come across in Tokyo so at least we didn't have to keep our suitcases in the hallway. Cleaning was as expected as they give you new towels and new bottles of water every day.

  • Bertrand Chew

    Bertrand Chew


    Good location, wonderful environment, had 2 teenagers in tow and took.a 4 bender room. Spacious. Outstanding service. Go to 25th floor to get a view of shibuya crossing

  • Ian Andrew

    Ian Andrew


    Of the three Hotels we stayed in during our trip to Japan, this Hotel offered the biggest room, so for three of us plus suitcases, there was still room to move. Good sized toilet and bathroom. However the room was a bit dated, with the net curtains starting to fall apart. The washing machines which there were two, to service three floors were old and expensive compared to the other two hotels. Looked like they had been bought at a second hand shop. Really not good.....Breakfast was ok, for the money charged, but quality of some of the food was not great. I think the manager needs to go to other Hotels and see how and what they offer, and how they present the food.

  • J D

    J D


    Bad location for taxi pick up and drop off. There's a level 5 for cars to drive in but instead you would have to go to level 1 on the street while hauling all your luggage. Rooms are good enough clean, not the best. Location is great, the heart of Shibuya. Many food and shopping nearby as well as subway station

  • Ayhan Erman

    Ayhan Erman


    The hotel was easy to find from the Shibuya train station. The staff were friendly and attentive. Our room was upgraded for a reason unbeknownst to me, which was a pleasant surprise. The room itself, while large, felt very sterile and wasn’t too pleasing on the eyes given the price we paid and compared to other hotels we stayed at in Osaka that we paid the same price for (but I understand the popularity of Tokyo). Other than that, this hotel is great.

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