Sheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel in Urayasu

JapanSheraton Grande Tokyo Bay Hotel


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1-9 Maihama, Urayasu, Chiba 279-0031, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 47-355-5555
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6262029, Longitude: 139.8782435

kommentare 5

  • Kishan Patel

    Kishan Patel


    Stayed for few nights with family and had great experience. We were impressed by how large and comfortable entire property was. There are 4 restaurants which have good food though we wished there were more Japanese food options and wasn’t as Westernized. Thought it’s a bit away from downtown, there’s shuttle that runs every ~20min between hotel and Maihama Station that makes it convenient to get downtown to Tokyo station.

  • Yifan Xu

    Yifan Xu


    The room is very old and the service is terribly bad. I accidentally lost my MagSafe battery in the room on my bed when I was checking out. I realized this on the half way leaving Tokyo and came back about a hour later after my check out even though they told me the room had already been cleaned when I made my call half an hour after my checkout. The housekeeping department said they will call me back ASAP but I never heard back from them. So I visited the front desk myself and ask them to lead me to the room. Their attitude was very bad but they finally agreed to lead me to the room. But the bed amenities has already been replaced so I could not find it on the bed. The battery is thin and white so people can easily ignore it if it is on the bed. I clearly remember I placed it on the bed and I used to miss it for the same reason once, but that hotel got it back for me. unfortunately this time the housekeeper could not find it. I requested to check the replaced amenities in the back but they rejected because that place is employee only. The housekeeping person said I need to wait one hour if I want them to find it in the used amenities, this is obviously a threat for me to give up searching. But I agreed. However, I and my girlfriend clearly knew that they will never pay attention to this so I ask them to request the manager to see if we can go find it on our own, but the lady at the front desk was very impatient and she dialed her phone using full strength will a lot of noise to show that she was very angry. She said that the manager said no and tell us the housekeeping could not find it immediately after she hanged up. That was only less than 10 minutes after the housekeeping said they need an hour. What does this mean? They never want to help me! They never tried to find it! They only believe we are troubling them! Their attitude was so bad. I am so angry and will never come back. I am 100% sure it is on the bed because I still don’t have the battery until know.

  • Tamara Morgan

    Tamara Morgan


    Everything about this place was divine! The Disney Railway is extra convenient and drops you off right at the front gate to both Disney Sea & Disneyland. The Kimono pajamas are a great touch, the spa & traditional Japanese bath house in the women's are is wonderful with a sauna, hot jacuzzi, cold pool showers, lockers, and dressing rooms with everything you could possibly need at your fingertips. The rooms even have a direct view of the fireworks show over the parks in case you get too tired to stay till 8:30pm. :)

  • DayalSharan Sokhey

    DayalSharan Sokhey


    Very nice luxury hotel that is family friendly and close to the monorail line to go directly to Disney. Breakfast buffet has many options for vegetarians so make sure you include it in your booking. There's a nice Olympic size pool and also a mini golf course and even a flight simulator! The staff is friendly and helpful. Everyone had a great time and loved our stay there.

  • Anthony Costa

    Anthony Costa


    The hotel is next to the Disney sky train. It’s a 2min walk. The staff was supper friendly. The rooms were nice. For family’s with children I would suggest the Toy Story hotel. The hotel really didn’t have anything for children. I expected a little more since it’s a Disney park hotel. They offered a kids play room but they charged per hour and the same with the miniature golf. They had an arcade for kids. If you don’t book directly through there Merritt you do not receive credit for your stay. The hotel was fine I just expected a little more.

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