生活協同組合ララコープ ララなめし in Nagasaki

Japan生活協同組合ララコープ ララなめし



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Japan, 〒852-8061 Nagasaki, Nameshi, 2-chōme−9−26 ララなめし
kontakte telefon: +81 95-855-1000
webseite: www.lala.coop
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8072362, Longitude: 129.8434074

kommentare 5

  • Kinoaレインボー



    About 8 years ago, I spent about 5,000 yen as a midyear gift here and the cashier asked me if I had a point card. When I answered that I had not been asked, I beckoned a person who seemed to be my friend to give me my points in front of me, and that person gave me points. Now that I think about it, it was complete theft. I did tell the store manager The response was poor I thought it was a terrible store and haven't been there since!

  • 岡山祥大



    We have a wide selection of products! I bought some sashimi of swordfish from Nagasaki, and the meat was tender, had just the right amount of fat, and was delicious!

  • すんすん



    The vegetables, meat, and fish are all fresh. Because of my job, I had no choice but to use Seiyu meat, but after using this product, I could no longer eat Seiyu meat because it was not fresh and tasted bad. You can clearly see the difference between Lala's restaurant, which has a chef who carefully prepares the food, and Seiyu's, which doesn't. I think one of Lala's characteristics is that the store staff is closely connected to the local community. Their product information is thorough and they are very knowledgeable. Unlike discount counters like Seiyu, they place a strong emphasis on the customer and make shopping a pleasant experience. Please continue to do your best.

  • Mah Rio

    Mah Rio


    They have a wide range of products in both variety and quantity, and have recently started selling locally produced produce. Many perishable products are fresh and clean. There are side dishes, and they taste relatively good. However, the price is a little high overall. The parking lot is large and easy to get in and out.

  • caramel papa

    caramel papa


    I am very satisfied with the customer service of the cashier. The meat, fish, and vegetables are all clean and fresh, and you will be satisfied with the price. The restrooms and the store are all clean and comfortable. The store staff and the cash register are very lively and you won't have to wait. Even if you sometimes have to wait, the staff's smiles and words make you satisfied. Overall, it is number one in the northern region. Nearby shops are cheap, but the customer service is the worst. Moreover, meat, fish, and vegetables are cheap, which is a world of difference compared to places where the products you want are always sold out. The side dishes are also delicious. The events are centered around children and have a handmade feel to them, and I am satisfied with the fact that they are closely connected to the local community.

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