ē„¼č‚‰ć¾ć‚“恦悓 w Hachioji




🕗 godziny otwarcia

14-7 Yokoyamachō, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0081, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 42-628-1168
strona internetowej: hitosara.com
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.6597346, Longitude: 139.3338168

komentarze 5

  • 恘悓悏恋



    I visited for lunch. It's a big enough lunch to fill you up. The meat was also very delicious and I took care of each piece. Are you particular about the rice and kimchi? It is very tasty. The liver I ordered separately was also sweet and delicious. Recommended!

  • ć‚·ćƒ¼ć‚³ćƒ¼



    I made a reservation for my friend's birthday. In one word...it was the worst... I have no place to go again. First of all, even if I made a reservation at 5pm on Friday and ordered, there were too many items that were not available. And most of all, the employees are too cruel. The young woman at my part-time job was just talking to the two of us, and suddenly she said, ``It's cute!'' and left, probably because there was a dog outside, and when she came back, it was flattened. A male employee is fiddling with his smartphone... Many unfriendly employees Is there a manager here? Is there anyone who can guide me? Although the price is high, the atmosphere and customer service are not quite right. In this case, Yakiniku Raku is more satisfying in terms of taste, customer service, and price. That's how bad it is here. I made a reservation because many people said it was delicious, and I think the affiliated DOā—ÆA has better taste and customer service for the price. I apologized to my friend for her birthday... It was the worst memory...

  • ćŸć³



    When you think of high-quality yakiniku in Hachioji, this is the place to go. The atmosphere is also nice. All of them are delicious, but the prices are quite high, so I think I'll try them next time for a celebration.

  • ć‚±ćƒćƒ£ćƒƒćƒ—ęØŖäø



    About 10 minutes walk from the station. Manten-san is just down the street in front of Donki. Isn't it the most famous area around Hachioji Station? I went there after a friend told me about it! This time I had time so I had lunch! Since it's my first time, I'll just go with the loin set meal. The meat is tender and the sauce is delicious! Honestly, I don't think the sauce on the table is necessary. It comes with soup and salad, so it's plenty for lunch! That's what I thought, but I decided to take the opportunity and added the lever. It was 800 yen, so I was like, "What kind of thing is it?" I ordered it, but it turned out to be a lot... I thought it would be okay since it was a small cut, but it left a mess in my mouth... I wonder if it would be different if it was fresh raw liver? There was almost no odor, so I think it's easy to eat even for people who don't like it! The individual items seemed quite expensive, so I thought it would be a good idea to go there for lunch.

  • Jon Honea

    Jon Honea



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