SGハウス中十条 w 北区



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

〒114-0032, 3丁目-14-6 中十条 北区 東京都 114-0032, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.7639861, Longitude: 139.7241531

komentarze 5

  • Samuel Rosales

    Samuel Rosales


    When you arrive past noontime for check-in, no one will be there to meet you. There will be a note on the door welcoming you with further notes and instructions such as room assignments, keys, etc. There are three rooms on the ground and four on the second floor of the house that are rented out to transients staying several days or weeks. Each room may accommodate 2-3 persons. Rooms do not have toilets. You have to request change of beddings, otherwise, nothing will be touched inside your room. Common toilets are provided: one upstairs for females, another one downstairs for males. Kitchen facilities are provided, including utensils and dishwashing soap. The bathrooms are provided with toiletries such as soap and shampoo. Typical of Japanese accommodations, the house is clean and tidy but, again, if you wanted your room cleaned - you have to request. There is a cleaner who lives in one of the rooms. SG House is within 6 minutes walking distance to the nearest train station of Higashi-jujo that serves the Keihin Tohoku line and goes through downtown Tokyo. A 7-11 grocery store is open 24 hours halfway between the house and the train station - where packed meals or food are available fresh. Jujo Rail Station, another train station that is farther away in the opposite direction, is only about 10 minutes walk from SG House. It serves the Saikyo line that also passes through central Tokyo. We had a pleasant twelve night stay at SG House but we never got to meet the landlord since we always leave very early morning and arrive very late at night.

  • Jinhyu Kim

    Jinhyu Kim


  • Rita lin

    Rita lin


  • Samuel Rosales

    Samuel Rosales


    Convenient, no-frills accommodation.

  • ja

    YY KK


najbliższy Kwatera

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