Sekitei en Hatsukaichi




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Domingoabierto 24 horas
Lunesabierto 24 horas
Martesabierto 24 horas
Miércolesabierto 24 horas
Juevesabierto 24 horas
Viernesabierto 24 horas
Sábadoabierto 24 horas
3-chōme-5-27 Miyahamaonsen, Hatsukaichi, Hiroshima 739-0454, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 829-55-0601
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.2731093, Longitude: 132.2529458

comentarios 5

  • Sara Russell

    Sara Russell


    We were initially surprised to not see many recent reviews, but can confirm for anyone looking at Sekitei that this ryokan is exceptional and absolutely worth a stay. The location was quiet and and off the beaten path about 30 min south of Hiroshima (their staff will pick you up and drop you off from the local train stop). The entire property was very peaceful and felt authentic to Japanese culture. I highly suggest booking a room with a private onsen, we stayed in the room Oimatsu which had 2 sitting rooms and the onsen on the 2nd floor looking out towards the mountains. No need to book a private bath session if you already have a room with a private Onsen unless you would like to have a bigger bath. The bath in our room was just big enough for 2 adults. The service and food was amazing and breakfast was also a multi course meal to finish off the stay. The staff was excellent and this was easily one of the best hospitality experiences we have had in our travels.

  • Stephen Cassidy

    Stephen Cassidy


    A really unique experience in a traditional Japanese inn with views across the water to Mijajima. The staff were amazing. Dinner is served in the room and is an experience in itself

  • Nigel G

    Nigel G


    A great ryokan just outside of Hiroshima City. Designed around a beautiful Japanese garden filled with koi, and facing onto the Seto Inland Sea, you are guaranteed a relaxing experience. In addition to the normal overnight ryokan experience, you can also just have lunch, which can include an onsen visit. The food is beautifully presented and will leave you in awe as they are presented and your stomach sated. Sekitei is not very wheelchair friendly, as you will need to lift the wheelchair over a few steps, depending on which room you are in, however they are accommodating. Some rooms have their own onsen, and there is a communal onsen as well. They are currently doing temperature checks and you are required to provide your address for contact tracing and verify it with ID.

  • John Koo

    John Koo


    Make sure you get there early and just enjoy. The view, the sunset, the complimentary sake tasting, the wonderful dinner and the great onsen.

  • Jordan Winfrey

    Jordan Winfrey


    Really beautiful place with amazing rooms each with their own incredible views of Hiroshima Bay. It's such an austere location that you can't help but to relax when you're there, the effect is undeniable. If you're a foreigner, the hotel food is incredibly traditional Japanese food and doesn't happen to agree with my palate at all so expect to have dinner elsewhere. However the presentation is simply gorgeous despite nothing being particularly edible to me. Your mileage in that department may vary but it didn't at all detract from the unforgettable experience I had here

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