Sekino Dental Clinic en Hiroshima

JapónSekino Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-7-6 Sendamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0052, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-247-3100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3818251, Longitude: 132.4542241

comentarios 4

  • Christmas Rose

    Christmas Rose


    The elderly woman at the reception has a really bad attitude. I will never go there again. Sekino Dental Clinic has been used by four generations of parents and children, but this was enough to break the relationship of trust. I'm sorry.

  • 甲田隆之



    I transferred to the hospital last year and the building is clean, the treatment is separate from other patients, the location is easy to find, and the parking lot is convenient because there are two parking spaces in front of the hospital, and there is also a coin parking nearby.

  • 町富士



    I go there for my child's orthodontic treatment. The teachers and staff are very kind. I think this is a clinic where you can feel at ease going to the clinic because the explanations are easy to understand every time.

  • mao. N

    mao. N


    The elderly woman at the reception desk was very rude. . . He doesn't greet me, doesn't listen to me properly, hangs up on me, and is arrogant! ! There is an elderly director and a female doctor. . .

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