Seisen Ichiban! Tsuchizaki Shop i Akita

JapanSeisen Ichiban! Tsuchizaki Shop



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3-chōme-2-23 Tsuchizakiminatohigashi, Akita, 011-0942, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 18-880-2440
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 39.7579915, Longitude: 140.0779593

kommentar 5

  • Kitty



    There were so many mirrors in the store that it was difficult to see the product placement. But the freshest! As the name suggests, the sashimi was delicious.

  • SHUN 0608

    SHUN 0608


    The building itself is old, and I wouldn't say it's a clean supermarket, but I often check out the products and find that they're sold at lower prices than other supermarkets in the area, and that I've seen products that aren't sold at regular supermarkets. It's a pretty good store because you can find sweets and bargains that you've never heard of.

  • うんばばあ



    Refreshed opening on September 17, 2019, new ceiling, fixtures, etc. Cheap items are much cheaper than other stores, Tuesday special sale Lunch box ranks 298th, and side dishes are Akita sweet and average. You can get local fish at a low price, and the quality of the procurement is good. Vegetables are among the cheapest in the city, and the quality is not bad. Meat is normal, but there are rare parts such as pork muscle. The store staff's response is good, but the store is small so it's currently limited. If you're mainly looking for cold food, go elsewhere, but if you're looking for some soft drinks, go elsewhere. I can't deny that it's lacking, but it does hit the nail on the head. A store that I don't want to go out of business. The toilet is from outside, the entrance is cleaned, and Agigin ATM is across the street.

  • KOKOMI Channelここみチャンネル

    KOKOMI Channelここみチャンネル


    It can't be helped that it's small, but the selection is reasonable. The vegetables are fresh and inexpensive, and there are many kinds of fish that I like, which I personally like.The meat is a little weird, but it's ok. Lunch boxes are cheap, but at a tolerable level.

  • Admiral 56

    Admiral 56


    It's cheap, but since the store is small, the selection isn't very wide. The store is also small and difficult to see. The parking lot is also small, so it is not suitable for leisurely shopping. Is it positioned as a supermarket for the neighborhood?

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