Seikyoshimonoseki Dental Clinic in Shimonoseki

JapanSeikyoshimonoseki Dental Clinic



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2-chōme-3-24 Kibunemachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0823, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 83-224-0118
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.966777, Longitude: 130.941884

kommentare 5

  • 。ゆう



    new? I don't know why, but the female receptionist was smiling and very nice...! ! ! ! The treatment is also thorough and excellent.

  • TRA Ce

    TRA Ce


    Recently, I had a silver tooth treatment done at another dental clinic in Shimonoseki City, but something went wrong, so after thinking about it a lot, I called here for a consultation. There was nothing sales-related about the phone call, and I felt at ease at that point, so I didn't hesitate to make a reservation, even though I was told that they could only make reservations 2-3 weeks in advance. I requested treatment for three reasons (1) Tooth loss due to replacement of silver teeth, (2) Occlusion problem due to silver teeth being too high, and (3) Inflammation of the tongue in contact due to treatment of tooth edges. There was a problem. The dentist suggested two options: (1) Redo all the silver teeth, and (2) Fill the missing teeth with resin, grind down the silver teeth to match the height, and round out the loose edges of the teeth. He listened carefully to my opinions and questions. This time, we asked for the second, less invasive option, and if the problem was not resolved, we would proceed with the first option. The treatment was over in less than an hour. Regarding the height, it is necessary to keep an eye on it, but if there is still any discomfort, I will be asked to consult again, and the treatment was completed in one session. The notice board in the hospital said that they also offer cosmetic dentistry, but there was never any pushy sales or advertising, and they only treated what I wanted. I think many people can feel relieved about this point. I also felt that they listened to my wishes, questions, and thoughts quietly, which is unusual among other dental clinics in the city. I can recommend it in that respect as well. I will be taking care of them from now on, as they will provide regular checkups, teach me how to brush my teeth, and check for periodontal disease. I'm glad I went.

  • ダンディズム



    The doctor and assistants are all kind and the treatment is simple and I am grateful to them. My whole family goes there.

  • 須崎多恵



    I have been going here for a long time since the former director. Both the doctor and the dental hygienist do a thorough job.

  • まつざかうめ



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