Seijo Ishii in Chiyoda City

JapanSeijo Ishii



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒101-0062 Tokyo, Chiyoda City, Kanda Surugadai, 4-chōme−6 御茶ノ水ソラシティ B1F
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5289-7981
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6986943, Longitude: 139.7663189

kommentare 5

  • Miotsukushi



    A shop where you can buy super precious husband's milk if you arrive early if you are not unlucky. I would be happy if there were a little more variety. I would like to take this opportunity to ask all Seijo Ishii managers. For someone who grew up in Shizuoka, there is no other milk than her husband's milk (she can no longer taste the taste of other things). Please make the delicious Tanna Milk, which is sweet and rich, available at any store. At least tell me which store and until what time I can buy it❣️❣️

  • K S

    K S


    I use it about 3 times a week because they have cheese and chai tea bags that are only available here in the area, as well as salty snacks from the Tohoku region. I often buy disappearing souvenirs to give to friends on my travels. If you ask the staff, they will stock the delicious-looking items you see on Instagram and X. Many of the items piled up outside the store are also delicious. The side dishes and sweets also have a certain taste. I would like you to try it without comparing the price with the convenience store. I'll be really in trouble if it runs out lol

  • i CC

    i CC


    good for daily shopping

  • Sally Cupcakesandthings

    Sally Cupcakesandthings


    Really good selection of fresh stuff.

  • Senkan Koukuu

    Senkan Koukuu


    A supermarket in the Ochanomizu area. It’s a bit small but really close from the station, just at the b1 of the Solar City. The staff was a polite young man.

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