Seijo Ishii w Adachi City

JaponiaSeijo Ishii



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒120-0026 Tokyo, Adachi City, Senjuasahichō, 42−2 ルミネ北千住 2F
kontakt telefon: +81 3-5813-0055
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 35.7498046, Longitude: 139.8048646

komentarze 5

  • 北川秋穂



    I went shopping there a few times before. I missed the rice crackers from Hatakeyama Seika in Okayama, so I bought them, but unfortunately they don't have rice crackers from Hatakeyama Seika anymore.

  • 紅華乃杏



    We have a wide selection of products, so if you're looking for one, you're in luck. What I particularly like is that they even sell famous local sweets that you have to go to the countryside to buy, so I think it's very convenient when you want to eat them once in a while. These days, there are a lot of products that can be purchased online, and I'm really happy that I can buy and eat them right away. I don't pay attention to popular products that are sometimes advertised on TV and become difficult to obtain, but I still buy them and eat them when people have forgotten about them. Well, there are many times when I just forget things, but that's okay and I use them to my advantage.

  • 相田ひろ子



    It's expensive, so I use it when I want to eat something a little different or want to have a little luxury. The “assorted bread” and red wine that I bought just the other day were delicious.

  • Hugo Freire

    Hugo Freire


    It's larger than the usual Seijo Ishii and has a very good selection of products! There were especially many types of cheese.

  • やなぴー



    I like this store because it's almost directly connected to Kitasenju Station and sells good food. I bought blood orange jam that I buy every year, my favorite squeezed beans, and black olives that I want to use in cooking. The staff at the store kindly told me where to find black olives. From the moment you enter the store, you will be enveloped in an elegant atmosphere.

najbliższy Supermarket

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