Seijō Ishi Emio Musashi-Sakai Store i Musashino

JapanSeijō Ishi Emio Musashi-Sakai Store



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Japan, 〒180-0023 Tokyo, Musashino, Kyōnanchō, 2-chōme−1−13 エミオ武蔵境 1F
kontakter telefon: +81 422-39-2920
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7018617, Longitude: 139.5437486

kommentar 5

  • おyじ



    When I bought the Shinta, it didn't come with the sauce that came with it...I just wanted the sauce, so I called and was told that they would bring it to my house.I thought that was a bit of a problem and refused, but they told me to call the manufacturer and ask them to send me a replacement. ...That's okay, but the person in charge at Seijo Ishii when I called back was laughing at me, which made me really angry. I thought he was joking, so I asked him if something similar had happened in the past, and if he was going to check the store when stocking items in the future...I was really annoyed by him laughing so irresponsibly. I guess it's because the manufacturer didn't put any sauce in it, but I figured that couldn't be helped, so I called and asked if I could get just the sauce, but I heard the seller laughing so hard on the phone that I could tell it was someone else's business. Ah, are you making fun of me by saying it's just a joke? I was extremely angry. So minus 1 star. . I definitely won't be able to eat natto from now on, but I will try to check as much as possible if there are any products that have sauce on them that you can see inside. . .

  • きxxxな



    Although it was closed for a long time and was undergoing renovations, there doesn't seem to be any major changes to the sales floor. Although the aisles are narrow, it doesn't feel that difficult to walk around compared to other nearby chains, perhaps because it has a good customer base as it is a high-priced supermarket, or perhaps because of the atmosphere. However, if you don't buy fresh produce, Seijo Ishii near Kichijoji Station is more convenient.

  • 依光洋志(マインドマップアーティスト よりぞう)

    依光洋志(マインドマップアーティスト よりぞう)


    You can buy delicious hail and potato salad. I shop here when I want to splurge. The original cake is delicious.

  • Christopher Kobayashi

    Christopher Kobayashi


    Lots of imported goods, but high prices.

  • Erik L

    Erik L


    This is the chain that sells fancier stuff and plays classical music as background music. Wide selection of craft beers, but prices are higher. Goid atmosphere!

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