Segawa Futagawaten in Toyohashi

JapanSegawa Futagawaten



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774 Higashitakadachō, Toyohashi, Aichi 441-8115, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 532-41-6452
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7190086, Longitude: 137.4271907

kommentare 5

  • 森モリ



    This is fast, cheap, and delicious. I usually come here at night, but it's rare for me to come here at lunch time. The restaurant has tatami rooms and chair seats, and is suitable for everyone from families with children to people in wheelchairs. When it comes to udon and soba, this is where we go. Thank you for the meal.

  • Kyon Adachi

    Kyon Adachi


    I wanted to eat Toyohashi curry udon, so I stopped by while going to Nonhoi Park. I was expecting a lot of curry udon on top of creamy rice, but it was even more delicious and filling than I expected. I have the impression that udon is more delicious than zoba.

  • すぅーぎぃー



    I entered the restaurant around 13:00 on weekdays with a companion who wanted to try Toyohashi curry udon. As popular as ever However, I think the food is served quickly. According to my companion, ``Toyohashi curry is definitely Segawa!'' Yellow curry with shiso leaves and quail egg tempura As you continue to eat the udon, rice covered with grated yam appears. There is no need to order rice separately. Every time I eat the lunch menu here, I feel full. Thank you for the meal.

  • YASU I

    YASU I


    I had the curry udon! When you think of Toyohashi, you think of curry udon. This curry udon has a strong Japanese-style soup stock that blends well with the spice of the curry. When you slurp it up with chewy udon noodles, the chewy texture mixes with the thick curry soup, giving it a nice flavor. Also, the quail tempura is crispy, but when you eat it with curry, it's crispy and has a strong flavor. Also, even when you reach the yam and rice at the bottom, your appetite won't stop, so you can eat it all at once. Amazing food. It was really delicious. I want to eat it at least once a week. 【exterior】 Near Nonhoi Park. There's a signboard, so you'll notice it when you pass by. 【Inside the store】 The Japanese-style restaurant is spacious with a tatami room. However, the place quickly filled up at 12pm.

  • Saulo Akazawa

    Saulo Akazawa


    Good food and good prices.

nächste Restaurant

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