SCAI The Bathhouse i Taitō-ku

JapanSCAI The Bathhouse



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6-chōme-1-23 Yanaka, Taitō-ku, Tōkyō-to 110-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3821-1144
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.721775, Longitude: 139.77049

kommentar 5

  • Kitty Qua

    Kitty Qua


    We thought it would look a lot more like a bathhouse. Very small selection of art but by famous artists. Good area.

  • Modi Li

    Modi Li


    Excellent modem art gallery. The space is small but interesting. There is information in English and staff is friendly.

  • Troy Stade

    Troy Stade


    A free little gallery in Yanaka that does some very quirky and slightly avante garde stuff - in a restored public bathhouse the space itself is very cool. If you're in the neighbourhood worth taking a look if only to take a five minute look. Closed Sundays

  • Danny Pastuck

    Danny Pastuck


    Very small and easy to miss, but definitely a hidden gem. A single room gallery displaying a handful of works. Check their site before visiting for opening hours as I don’t think collections are always on display. A short walk from Oeno Park if you’re already in the area for the market or one of the other major museums. Entry is free of charge

  • Stuart Skabo

    Stuart Skabo


    Great little at gallery in an old Bath house building. Only 5 or 6 pieces but the bubbling dynamic silicon oil pit is very interesting. Visit here of you are doing a walk around Ueno. Graveyard up the road is also worth a visit.

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