Satouminorubyoin Grand Cell Hospital w Matsuyama

JaponiaSatouminorubyoin Grand Cell Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-3-1 Honmachi, Matsuyama, Ehime 790-0811, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 89-925-5544
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 33.8520983, Longitude: 132.758572

komentarze 5

  • ブラック無糖



    I think the quality of the nurses has improved since the hospital has been renovated. I was impressed by the doctor's thorough explanation of my illness. However, as of 2024, the okappa woman at the reception desk has a terrible attitude. I think this person is stealing all the ★ ratings.

  • 三神善行



    I was hospitalized on April 30th due to a prolapse of my large intestine that started 3 weeks ago. I am very happy with the polite and kind treatment of the doctors and nurses. I want to do my best to recover quickly. 🥺🙄😢🍀

  • N



    I was surprised at how unpleasant the medical staff at the reception desk was. Even though it's a hospital, since you're dealing with people, I think it's a customer service industry. I would like you to think a little more about the way you speak to others and your attitude. I was disappointed because I came from far away after hearing the teacher's reputation. However, looking at the reviews about the reception staff and the fact that they haven't been improved, it seems like a dishonest hospital, so I'm glad I ended up going to a different place.

  • yumi o

    yumi o


    The doctor is very kind and explains things in detail so you can feel at ease. I had the impression that hospitals had a lot of indifferent doctors and people who didn't really listen to me, but there are some doctors who are so kind! I thought. I am grateful that my symptoms have improved. It's a shame that the waiting time at the checkout is quite long, and the person in charge is nervous and the atmosphere is not very good. We recommend that you arrive with plenty of time to spare.

  • かりやともゆき



    I underwent radical treatment for internal hemorrhoids. Thanks to the sacral and local anesthesia, I didn't feel any pain or even the sensation of being touched during the surgery. Also, the nurse continued to pat my back, which made me feel at ease and calm until the end. The director's explanations were very thorough and kind, so I was able to understand the nature of my condition. The previous radical treatment (at another hospital) required two weeks of hospitalization, but here I was able to get the treatment done in three days and two nights, which was a relief to my busy schedule at the end of the year. The school lunch was also delicious (^^)

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