Sapporo Tōhō Hospital in Sapporo

JapanSapporo Tōhō Hospital



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東15丁目-3-1 北17条 Higashi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 065-0017, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 11-704-3911
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 43.0850186, Longitude: 141.3728488

kommentare 5

  • siro siro

    siro siro


    I was hospitalized for 8 days. The doctors, midwives, and nurses were all very kind to me. It was my first pregnancy and I was anxious, but she gave me lots of advice and made me feel at ease. Even though the doctor in charge was busy, he always performed the examination and surgery in a cheerful manner. When exactly do you take a break? Although I had to come to work every day, I was very grateful that the same doctor checked my progress while I was in the hospital. There were some people who criticized it in the reviews, but I can't believe it. During my stay in the hospital, I never had a bad experience. I have nothing but gratitude. I'm really glad that I was able to take care of this hospital! thank you very much.

  • くま



    I have been seeing a gynecologist for about 10 years. The first doctor I saw was the worst. After that, the doctor who was in charge of my surgery was very nice, so I asked him to take care of me. However, the waiting time is long. Now you can make reservations online, but you still have to wait for 2 hours. What is the reservation for? I'm sure there may be a difference depending on the content of the consultation, but is it really that much of a difference? Isn't it too packed? Last time I didn't make a reservation, I waited 4 hours. Please improve.

  • 松井ちゃん



    I have had polycystic ovaries and have been going there occasionally for a long time. The doctor who treated me over 10 years ago was very understanding and kind. The doctor named Deguchi who came out halfway had a bad attitude and didn't seem to understand. This time too, I went to the doctor because I thought I had PMS. I have a chronic illness and two other hospitals have already done blood tests and said there is no problem, but what's wrong with this technical term? Did you take a test that included this? I'm going to provoke you. I don't think he's a gynecologist. No, all I can say is that it's so painful that I'm going to see a doctor. By the way, the nurse who takes the test also has a really bad attitude. It used to be a nice hospital where everyone was kind, but now it's like garbage. Even if I had children, they would not be born here. Will I go again?

  • くまのぷーさん



    I gave birth here because I wanted a pain-free delivery. The teacher was very kind and I didn't feel anxious. The anesthesia was suitable for my body and I was really impressed as the pain of labor disappeared. It was my first time giving birth, but thanks to everyone, I was able to give birth smoothly. Also, all the rooms were private, which was very comfortable, and the rooms were spacious and well-cleaned, making it feel like a hotel. Other than that, the food is wonderful. I looked forward to every meal, thinking, ``What will I do today?'' If I am blessed with a second child, I would like to come here again.

  • 373 m

    373 m


    I was looking for a place where I could give birth pain-free, and I gave birth here. The doctors, nurses, and midwives were all so kind and made me feel safe giving birth! The meals I had while I was in the hospital were delicious, and being able to stay comfortably in my private room was a great memory. As for painless childbirth, after the anesthesia was administered, my body felt incredibly relaxed, and I was able to give birth with peace of mind. I'm glad I chose this hospital!

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