Sapphire Dental Clinic w Shimonoseki

JaponiaSapphire Dental Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2-chōme-1-1 Ayaragishinmachi, Shimonoseki, Yamaguchi 751-0865, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 83-255-3818
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.0134227, Longitude: 130.9204211

komentarze 5

  • 7 r

    7 r


    Some dentists have long waiting times even if you have an appointment, but you can often be seen without waiting, so it's easy to visit. Flowers are always beautiful.

  • chami jksms

    chami jksms


    You can receive treatment while being soothed by the flowers arranged by the doctor! The teachers and staff are all kind and reassuring.

  • ロギオショウジ



    In the past, I often had wisdom teeth and cavities treated, and now I go to the hospital regularly for tartar removal. Although the reception area feels a little cramped, the reception area is clean and comfortable and doesn't feel uncomfortable. My impression is that it is a good hospital that provides thorough treatment. However, I was concerned about the low rating, so I asked a friend of mine who had dentures made at this hospital, and he said that there was a lack of explanation. So, if you have any concerns about the treatment policy, please consult with us.

  • 暇人暇人



    I had my wisdom teeth removed, but even after six months, it still hurt and when I looked in the mirror, I could see pieces of the wisdom teeth coming out of my gums. I had silver teeth inserted without any explanation or consultation.

  • ななな



    I had a cavity pulled out with almost no explanation. Since it was visible when I opened my mouth, it was noticeable with silver teeth, so I had no choice but to get an implant. The way you carry such a large amount of money is dirty. The basic rule is not to provide a thorough explanation before treatment.

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