Sanukiya Yagiten en Hiroshima

JapónSanukiya Yagiten



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1-chōme-11-15 Yagi, Asaminami Ward, Hiroshima, 731-0101, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-873-6998
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.476756, Longitude: 132.4935028

comentarios 5

  • 佐々木弘信



    I stopped by with my family around lunchtime. I received the Tendon set. My family had nabeyaki udon. It was very delicious.

  • ゆり



    I usually order udon, but it was hot today so I decided to try soba. This set is really filling. It was delicious, but it would have been better if the Tentsuyu flavor was a little stronger.

  • KENICHI K (1234)

    KENICHI K (1234)


    Udon is slimy. I think it's good for people with cat tongues. Homemade fried topping 120 yen 2 pieces of thin fried tofu. I don't know which part is homemade. The chicken tempura rice bowl with hot spring egg is cold. I don't think it's delicious. I've been here several times and thought it was good value for money and delicious, but I don't think I'll come again.

  • MOTO E

    MOTO E


    The best store for families with children! In fact, the flour used in the udon noodles is also domestically produced and additive-free, making the udon noodles safe and secure. Baby udon is free, and children's udon is cheap at 300 yen. Half of the seats are tatami mats, making it easy to sit, and of course there are children's chairs, plates, and cutlery. The parking lot is also spacious and easy to park. When the front of the store is full, the Sanukiya parking lot is also in front of the private house next door. When I was a student, I always ate stamina udon, which had a thick soup and lots of garlic. When I came here for the first time in 20 years, the taste had not changed and it was the best restaurant ever. The tempura in the tempura bowl was crispy, and the chicken ramen had a gentle taste, so the kids ate a lot.

  • 晴太



    2023/12 A udon restaurant with consistently delicious soup stock. I often eat burdock tempura udon, and the oil from the burdock tempura melts into the soup stock, making it delicious. Also, the rice bowls are surprisingly delicious, so I always get confused. On days when you're hungry, you can't help but stop by this shop as they also have udon and donburi sets. This time, we have hotpot curry udon, which is a limited menu item when the weather gets colder. The default is a little sweet, so I sprinkled a lot of Ichimi on it. It's great because it warms up your cold body.

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