Sanribukoga Kikohichokueishoppu en Koga

JapónSanribukoga Kikohichokueishoppu



🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒811-3101 Fukuoka, Koga, Tenjin, 2-chōme−5−1 サンリブ古賀1F
contactos teléfono: +81 92-944-6090
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.7345167, Longitude: 130.4664319

comentarios 5

  • Graiseeker Indiana jones

    Graiseeker Indiana jones


    I want it to continue forever.

  • 2983 shinamon

    2983 shinamon


    Located inside the Sunliv Koga store. I use it from time to time, and the staff are friendly and the coffee is delicious. Iced coffee is also recommended.

  • 秋山皐月



    There are many places nearby that sell coffee beans, but I think this one has the best taste. They have a wide variety of beans and the staff are very helpful, so I like them.

  • 仲人士杉本ゆうこ



    I received the [Kiln Baked Soufflé Pancake] drink set that I saw in the #KogaStaile article. The cafe au lait was also delicious. The cake wasn't that big so I could eat it easily (^^) I tried coffee jelly for the first time in late June for a limited time❣️It was so delicious and filling🍀

  • Hakutai Kakaku

    Hakutai Kakaku


    You can also buy beans and drink coffee on the spot. There are several seats for two, and the counter is quite spacious, so you can relax. The coffee is also authentic. There is also a dessert menu, and it is a hidden coffee space.

Cafetería más cercano

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