三慶園 w Komono



brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

8520 Komono, Mie District, Mie 510-1233, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 59-392-2255
strona internetowej: sankei-en.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.0158206, Longitude: 136.4475491

komentarze 5

  • Rie Nagao-Nishiwaki

    Rie Nagao-Nishiwaki


    [Reasonably priced in the 6000s yen range, including breakfast per night]. This is a traditional inn (old) located in the mountains. Mr. Nakai is kind. Parking is free. The hot springs are separate in the morning and night (men and women alternate), the water quality is alkaline and gentle on the skin, there is no sulfur smell, and although it is heated, it is quite hot. Please see the photo for breakfast. This inn is very close to the ropeway, so it is suitable for people who want to ride it. Adults can ride the ropeway for 2,600 yen. The scenery is very good. And it's good to have fewer people. Close to Aqua Ignis. A traditional (old) ryokan, located in the mountains. The clerk is kind. Free parking. The hot spring is different in the morning and at night (men and women change), the hot water quality is gentle to the skin, and alkali , there is no smell of sulphur, but it is quite hot. Please see photo for breakfast. This Ryokan is suitable for those who want to ride the ropeway and very close to it. Adults can ride the ropeway for 2600 yen. The view is very good. And it is less crowded. Also close to Aqua Ignis.

  • m t

    m t


    Wi-Fi only connects at the front desk. That's really unfortunate. If it improves... It can't be helped since it's a mountain inn, but there were some stink bugs.

  • 袖岡隆信



    The building is old and the facilities are not very good. The hot water was good, but the hot water in the washing area was hard to come by. However, I am grateful to the proprietress and all the employees for their polite and kind consideration. Also, the food was very delicious. I'll probably go again.

  • Ga Ncha

    Ga Ncha


    Use the private open-air bath on a day trip It started on Sunday morning and I was able to make a reservation for that afternoon. The changing room is very clean, the bathroom is spacious, and you can see the ropeway, so it's OK. The response is very kind and I have no complaints. However, there are no drinks in the changing room, so you have to bring your own, get water from the lobby, or drink from the faucet. Caution is the way to go! I go down to the left at the back of the ropeway parking lot, but it's so narrow and steep that I wonder, "Huh? This way?" When you get off the train, the parking lot is on the left and Sankeien is the restaurant-like building on the right.

  • 永田楓



    The attitude of the landlady was the worst. Not only that, but there were hairs and insects in the rice. The rooms and bathrooms are also normal. It's not that you can see a good view, and it's not that it's beautiful. I thought the open-air bath was the only thing that felt good. I won't go again.

najbliższy Kwatera

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