三峯園 en Komono



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8625-3 Komono, Mie District, Mie 510-1233, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 59-392-2513
sitio web: www.sanpouen-mie.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0143178, Longitude: 136.4409656

comentarios 5

  • Traveler 1980

    Traveler 1980


    Stayed here with my family in October 2020. It had a nice atmosphere and I was able to spend a quiet and relaxing time there. The food is delicious and the quantity is just right. The hot springs had an open-air bath and an indoor bath, both of which were great.

  • Management History

    Management History


    I visited in late March. It was raining that day, but there was still some snow on the ground, so the environment was perfect for thick coats and down jackets. As I had a large carry-on, as mentioned in other reviews, I had difficulty climbing the stairs to the building. As for the rooms, they are average, but the special facilities are not new, so some people may be concerned. I had to give up on the Gozaisho Ropeway due to bad weather, but I was able to somehow feel good by watching it come and go from my room. All the dishes were very fresh and good. Since there is no menu, I wonder what this is? I think it was a different kind of time to actually eat the food and check the answers while talking to each other. The staff members are relatively older. However, they were very polite and did not exhibit the wildness that is typical of elderly people. The bath felt soft. Due to the small number of rooms, it was possible to rent it out even after dinner. There is a waiting room near the bathroom, and there are a lot of comics. I waited while reading Initial D. Naturally, there are only old books, and I feel like my tastes are one-sided, so I wonder if they are the staff's personal belongings? I spent my time thinking about what to do. There is no souvenir shop inside the hotel, which is common in inns and hotels, so be careful if you like looking at souvenirs. Overall, the inside of the hotel is very quiet and the surrounding area is not developed as a tourist destination, so I think it is a suitable place to forget the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend a peaceful time. During the winter season, it may be crowded with people visiting the nearby ski resort, but I feel that this tranquility is the charm of this inn.

  • Kyung sik Hong

    Kyung sik Hong


    Pretty good place to relax. Especially, you can enjoy the local food. We picked beef shabu-shabu for dinner. Super delicious!!

  • 川崎隆之



    Dinner (shabu-shabu) was very delicious. The stewed yellowtail seasoned by the proprietress was also very delicious. Even though it was March, it was snowy and very beautiful.I think there was about 5cm of snow. I'm glad there were no problems on the way home. There were only a few guests each day, so I was able to relax and enjoy my time without having to mix with other people.

  • うえだ



    I've stayed here several times before, and I think the food is so luxurious that men especially are very satisfied with it. The rooms with open-air baths are clean and comfortable with just the right amount of hot water. In the winter, snow accumulates, so be careful when driving to the inn, but the scenery is beautiful. I would definitely stay here again when I go to Nabana no Sato.

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