Sandwich House Marchen w Musashino

JaponiaSandwich House Marchen



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Japan, 〒185-0003 Tokyo, Musashino, Kichijōji Minamichō, 1-chōme−1−24 アトレ吉祥寺店 1F
kontakt telefon: +81 422-22-1897
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Latitude: 35.7031128, Longitude: 139.5787165

komentarze 5

  • Shibasaki Tomoyuki

    Shibasaki Tomoyuki


    It was delicious, but I wish the bread was a little more moist.

  • A maki

    A maki


    In addition to Shine Muscat and figs, I purchased several limited-time fruit sandwiches. There is fruit even in the parts that you can't see properly, so I feel satisfied. As you might expect from a sandwich specialty shop, the bread was delicious. I would definitely like to visit again

  • ぱくぱくダイアリー



    A popular sandwich shop mainly in the Tama area [Today's choice] ・Egg sandwich ¥432 ・Amanatsu strawberry fresh cream ¥540 Thoughts🔖 ☑︎Egg sandwich🥚 The most popular super classic sandwich🥪 A plentiful overflowing egg salad It's deep inside and I'm happy ✨ The grains are small and quite smooth, It was amazing to be able to fully enjoy the richness of the yolk ☺️ ☑︎Amanatsu strawberry fresh cream🍓🍊 Moist and sweet fresh cream on fluffy bread A dish decorated with large Tochiotome and Amanatsu. Sweet and refreshing cream with just the right amount of sweetness Strawberry and sweet summer are the best match🤝 It was so delicious that I couldn't get enough of it till the end 🙆‍♂️ A little rich but within an affordable price range. Exquisite specialty sandwiches The sight of them lined up in the showcase is amazing and I’m so excited⤴︎ The bread is fluffy and the delicious sandwich is sure to be delicious🥳 Have a picnic at nearby Inokashira Park 🧺 。.。・.。*゚+。。.。・.。*゚+。。.。・.。*゚+。。.。・.。+。。.。・.。 Thank you for watching until the end ☺️ On Instagram, I post delicious gourmet food mainly along the Chuo Line 🐱 @pakudiary Please follow me! !

  • ザパーソナルジム吉祥寺店



    They are famous for their colorful and delicious fruit sandwiches, and I go there to buy them from time to time. From autumn to winter, they sell products that are stuffed with sweet potato paste, and they are very delicious! It's quite filling with lots of cream, so I think it's good to share. Even on weekdays, if you go in the evening, many of the items are sold out, so if you want to choose from a wide variety, it's best to go in the morning.

  • 7 s

    7 s


    A friend of mine who knows that I like fruit sandwiches went out of his way to buy me this mango sandwich. You can see the thick cross section of the mango and it looks delicious. When I opened the package to eat it, I couldn't get it to come off properly and a piece of bread fell off and I could see inside. Surprised. The mango that appeared in the cross section was one thin slice, and inside was another thin, smaller mango. It was a haribote that looked like a thick mango sandwiched between them. You're doing such a stupid thing at a shop that sells fruit sandwiches...

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