SANDECO COFFEE ~Mathematics Cafe~ i Kagoshima

JapanSANDECO COFFEE ~Mathematics Cafe~



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒892-0821 Kagoshima, Meizanchō, 4−1 名山ビル 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 99-213-9533
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 31.5958076, Longitude: 130.5577889

kommentar 5

  • Phil L

    Phil L


    Coffeeeeeeeee - tasty and creamy!

  • きゅうしょくがかりT



    Amazing looking polar bear Sazae-san's ending? It looks like a polar bear that was used in I was drawn to the look of the white color, which looked like it had been in a fruit bath. The taste is delicious and I'm very satisfied. I received a version for 2 to 3 people, but it seems that there is also a version for 1 person. The atmosphere of the store was nice, and the staff was kind and nice.

  • Andrew Cerini

    Andrew Cerini


    Great food and coffee, friendly service, fresh retro-chic style that fits with the area, Meizan Cho, and a cool concept - maths cafe. Worth a visit while exploring Meizan.

  • Chuck Clenney

    Chuck Clenney


    Cute bear lattes

  • Ashii Radzi

    Ashii Radzi


    The ice shave shirokuma is so ooshii

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