Sanage Onsen Hotel Kinsenkaku en Toyota

JapónSanage Onsen Hotel Kinsenkaku



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Umamichidōri-21 Kanōchō, Toyota, Aichi 470-0364, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 565-45-6111
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mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.1824377, Longitude: 137.1522032

comentarios 5




    It was my first trip in a while, and it was a cool day even in the summer. The room is wonderful, clean and modern. It was quiet and relaxing. The rain had stopped, and I took a private open-air bath in the evening and after dinner, and it felt great. Radon hot springs will warm you from the core and leave your skin smooth and supple. The food made with hot spring water had a very refined taste and was very satisfying without being too large in quantity. The rice had grains and was really delicious. I'm not the type to eat breakfast, so I'm sorry I left some of my breakfast behind. . I especially can't forget the taste of the simmered rice. I regret leaving because I was too full. I'm definitely thinking of visiting again. I was very pleased with the minimal and kind service provided by the staff.

  • 荒城煌河



    I stayed at Sanage Onsen, which I had been interested in for a while, for 1 night and 2 days from June 17th. [Contents] Number of people: 1 person Guest room: luxury B (castle) Plan: Weekdays only, 1 night and 2 meals [Good parts that I personally felt] - Surrounded by nature, it's very quiet, and the location itself has a calming feel that goes beyond the inside of the inn, and you can't help but feel like this is a secret place. ・Compared to inns and hotels in the same price range, the reception area is average to slightly smaller, but I get the impression that a lot of effort has been put into the facilities and equipment in the rooms. ・All you can drink coffee, tea, hot water, and orange juice in the rest space at the front desk, which is great for after a bath. ・The private bath area is quite spacious, and it is so clean that you don't have to worry about insects even in the summer. ・The quality and quantity of both dinner and breakfast were perfect.I'm a pretty good eater, but I was more full than I expected. ・The garden and forest path are well lit at night. ・The comforter is super thick and fluffy, so it feels good to sleep on. [Personally felt improvements] ・There are very few reservation slots for private open-air baths, and it can be difficult to take a bath especially at night because it overlaps with dinner time, so I think it would be a good idea to shorten the time per person and increase the number of slots a little more. ・The only vending machines in the hotel are on the 5th floor. There are a few outside, but they are difficult to access in the rain. I wonder if we can somehow find some dead space and increase the number of machines. ・The pillows are low and firm, and I prefer high pillows, so if I could choose the type of pillow, I would have chosen it. ・To be honest, the view from the window is completely covered with trees, so it's a little weird to be honest, but maybe it can't be helped because of the location. [Overview] Access was limited, but it was a very good inn. It was a very comfortable room where you could relax and soothe your mind and body after being strained by the worldly world. Unfortunately, it was cloudy to rainy when we stayed, so it was a bit disappointing that the fun of the private open-air bath was cut in half. If I have a chance to visit Aichi again, I would like to stay there again.

  • 斎藤友美



    It was my first time staying here. It is a very quiet place where you can enjoy the slow flow of time. The employees were also very polite and nice. All-you-can-drink coffee and various herbal teas are available in the lobby, and you can also take them to your room. The room was newly renovated and very clean and stylish. There were also plenty of amenities. I was also very happy that I was able to drink the two canned beers and mineral water that were in the fridge for free! ! The hot springs were very quiet and relaxing. The stars in the night sky seen from the private open-air bath are truly amazing! was. Both dinner and breakfast were very delicious. The next day, we took a day trip to the hot springs. This hot spring was also great! It's a day trip, but you can rent a yukata and enjoy the hot springs! I was having pain all over my body due to work, but maybe it was because I took a bath in this hot spring? The pain was gone the next day! ! ! I would like to continue using them in the future.

  • Saenglux Wannavitthayathorn

    Saenglux Wannavitthayathorn


    Good ryokan

  • Zyrene Strickler

    Zyrene Strickler



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