薩摩園 鎌田茶業 宮崎店 in Miyazaki

Japan薩摩園 鎌田茶業 宮崎店



🕗 öffnungszeiten

52-1 Hinodechō, Miyazaki, 880-0856, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 985-25-9431
webseite: www.satsumaen.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 31.906965, Longitude: 131.4496782

kommentare 5

  • 南桜実



    for a long time While I was curious about the cafe corner I was buying tea leaves Make your wish come true and eat in in a calm atmosphere It was delicious

  • もちまる



    I went because I wanted to eat soft serve ice cream! Matcha soft serve ice cream takeout for 432 yen If you eat in, it will be served in a box with dumplings and red bean paste on top! Cone soft serve ice cream is available for takeout only The matcha is really strong and bitter! It might be the best for matcha lovers! There was so much on the menu that I wanted to bring my mom!

  • tanaka shiho

    tanaka shiho


    A very stylish space. We also have an eat-in space and merchandise sales. Stylish teapots, tea leaves, etc. I ordered the matcha parfait and my friend ordered the hojicha parfait. The taste was alternately bittersweet and sweet, and it was very delicious!

  • 360 camera

    360 camera


    The staff members who are knowledgeable about tea are very attractive and friendly! The menu is more diverse than I imagined, so you won't get bored every time! I'm looking forward to seeing the new menu. My personal rankings are: 1st place: Matcha Parfait, 2nd place: Matcha Terrine, 3rd place: French Toast, etc. I also like hojicha parfait and fluffy matcha tea.

  • 井上すい



    I saw a photo of the parfait on Instagram, so I went in with some matcha lovers! There was lively discussion about whether the ``ka''-like character on the matcha parfait was actually a hiragana ``ka'', and whether the green tea served on the hojicha parfait was meant for cold brew. In the end, I didn't know what the correct answer was, so I even ate the roasted green tea tea. I came in for snacks, so there were a lot of customers, but I should have asked the staff...LOL Of course, you can also purchase teapots, teacups, tea, etc. in many different patterns. If you read this review and visited Satsumaen, why not ask about the meaning of ``ka'' and how to eat good tea? Please let me know if it goes well lol

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