Sakuragaoka Post Office in Akaiwa

JapanSakuragaoka Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

5-chōme-5-389 Sakuragaokahigashi, Akaiwa, Okayama 709-0721, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 86-995-1000
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.7827797, Longitude: 134.0383069

kommentare 5

  • h “kitchen” t

    h “kitchen” t


    Bad service! Thank you for coming, I didn't even say hello!

  • 和子花房



    I always use it Thank you for always being kind and polite. There may be many customers and there may be a waiting time, so please arrive with a little extra time.

  • ウルフ



    I came here because I wanted to ship something. during my response I suddenly started responding to other customers. I don't know anything about this yet, I had some questions too According to the station staff, has the response been completed? I don't know if it's something that doesn't work, but while talking to someone I'll be dealing with other customers. There are such dangerous people out there. I thought for the first time Rather than having people stand up Put up a signboard telling you how to do it. It would be much better to let them show you around when the opportunity arises.

  • くるみ



    There were no other customers, so why did I have to wait so long for my number to be called? The female staff at the counter didn't even say hello and I felt bad.

  • SsS runa

    SsS runa


    Unlike Seto Post Office, Sakuragaoka Post Office caters to both men and women⸜(*ˊᵕˋ*)⸝ Even when they are busy, they are kind and polite, so I am impressed by how different even the same post office can be.⸜❤︎⸝‍ Although there are many people using the building in a residential area, the building is small, so I wish it was bigger. I think so too. Because it's always almost full (˙˙ )

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