さくら産後院 en Sakura




🕗 horarios

Japan, 〒329-1323 Tochigi, Sakura, Unosato, 1-chōme−11−11−1
contactos teléfono: +81 28-612-5005
sitio web: www.sakura-sangoin.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 36.6831534, Longitude: 139.9571838

comentarios 5

  • y



    I have used it several times after giving birth to my second child. The clinic where I gave birth was at a different clinic and I also used their postnatal care, but I felt more sorry for myself, probably because I had seen how busy the midwives and nurses were while I was in the hospital giving birth. This is a specialized postpartum facility, so you won't have to worry about that kind of rush, and the atmosphere will be really quiet and relaxing. The room was spacious and warm, and I never met other users (a benefit for me). The person who was in charge of me listened carefully and I was able to relax with a good sense of distance. The massage felt good too. Unfortunately, I had an older child, so I was only able to use it for a day trip. I think it would be great if other municipalities had more wonderful facilities like this.

  • 鮭丸



    Thank you for your help with postpartum care. It was a day trip, but the room and facilities were very clean and had a soft impression of wood and white, making it feel like a bit of old Japan. The room was designed in the image of a Japanese-style hotel, and I felt very safe and was able to spend a relaxing time there. You can use it with your family, and the midwives are so kind that I really want to stay overnight next time. If you are unsure about postpartum care, please try using it at least once! I think it's a good idea to book early because it's fully booked! ! Postpartum care is available even if you are not depressed! I thought it would be bad if I wasn't depressed, but I think it's okay to think of it as a resting place for tired mothers! It was really helpful 🎵

  • 髙野瞳



    I was visiting for treatment, not from the maternity hospital. The chairman seems to be quiet. I was able to come here with peace of mind because of the smiles that he sometimes shows me! The nurses are also caring people. Thank you for listening to my advice!

  • うい



    I used it before for postnatal care. All the staff were very kind and warm. It was my first time raising a child and I was nervous, but she was so kind and thought of everything for me, which really helped me out. I wish there were more facilities like this in the prefecture.

  • とうふ



    I recently used it as a subsidy from Utsunomiya City. I decided to use the service because I heard that it had a good reputation from people in the city, and because it offers one-on-one service, I felt comfortable even though I'm not good at dealing with people. I had a clean room, delicious food, and two people who took care of me in the morning and night.They were very kind and friendly, listened to me, gave me lots of advice, and gave me knowledge, confidence, and rest. I received it well. I gave birth at Saiseikai, and it was great that we could decide on our own, as there were only fixed meal times and no schedules such as when classes were to be held. It was quite difficult mentally until I came here, but I learned a lot about how to deal with crying and how to spend time during the day, so my life became much easier when I returned home and I was able to enjoy raising my children. became. If only Sakura Postpartum Hospital were this good. I had such high expectations that I wanted to take care of her at the maternity hospital if I had another chance.

El hospital más cercano

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