Sakura Hotel Jimbocho w Chiyoda City

JaponiaSakura Hotel Jimbocho



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Poniedziałekotwarte 24 godziny
Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
2-chōme-21-4 Kanda Jinbōchō, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 101-0051, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3261-3939
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.694959, Longitude: 139.756455

komentarze 5

  • Konstantins Tupikins (Phoenix Astral)

    Konstantins Tupikins (Phoenix Astral)


    It is a good place to go for sleep after being in Akihabara or investigating Tokyo. It's the first time I have been sharing a room with several people. The place gathers people from different countries, so if you want to chat with a fellow traveler or potentially make new friends, it's a good place to be. There are different activities going on, but I was too busy investigating Tokyo with a friend (plus, I am a bit of an introvert), so I didn't had time in my schedule to participate. It was a good place to stay.šŸ‘

  • Dexter Cuizon

    Dexter Cuizon


    Excellent stay here in Tokyo! Good affordable price, good free wifi, free breakfast daily of hot or iced coffee, tea, toast with jam and butter and soup, friendly staff speaks English, located very close to 2 subway lines, Shinjuku and Hanzomon lines, clean toilets and showers, comfy beds! 3 day unilimted subway pass for 1500 yen is available here too! Towels can rent for 100 yen. 24 hour access. Very international guests from all over the world! LOVE and thank you Sakura!

  • Hamza Siddiqui

    Hamza Siddiqui


    Pros: Pricing, Location were both fantastic. Cons: Wifi was practically unusable aside from the first floor, so you will have to sit in the cafe to use it. Generally I'm happy with my experience. It was usually clean + quiet and I was comfortable during my stay. Staff were friendly and good breakfast.

  • Yu Lau

    Yu Lau


    Staff is nice and helpful. Bed is comfy. Only problem may the toilet room and shower room are too close to the rooms, the sound and people walking by is not so nice. Location is very good that near train station and convenient store.

  • Briana Freeman

    Briana Freeman


    Great, friendly staff. Convenient location. The 24-hour cafe is useful both for groups of friends and individual businesspeople working remotely. And the free breakfast is a welcome surprise for a hostel! I wish they had lockers. The cleanliness (like mold in the shower) could be improved. The female dorm room also had a strange smell, but that could have been because of another guest.

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