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Japan, 〒650-0001 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Ward, Kanōchō, 4-chōme−3−3 さくら三神ビル 階, 5
kontakt telefon: +81 78-393-2200
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Latitude: 34.694588, Longitude: 135.19332

komentarze 5

  • 美穂



    Thank you for your help with implant treatment for my front tooth. I'm so happy that it looks so natural and beautiful. Since this is something I can see, I seriously researched the websites of various clinics myself, but even though they said that they could treat all kinds of cases, when I actually received counseling, it turned out that the implant itself would be difficult in my case due to the lack of bone. They said. My family doctor recommended a bridge, but I refused, saying that I absolutely did not want to cut down the healthy teeth next to me, so he introduced me to Sakura Dental, saying, ``This is probably the only clinic that can fix it.'' I got it. When I went for a consultation, I was overwhelmed by the number of front tooth implant cases that were actually performed. There were many recovery cases requested by other clinics, and I was confident that I would be fine here, so I decided to have the implant done. The director was friendly and easy to talk to, and the staff were friendly and helpful, so I'm really glad I chose Sakura Dental. Thank you very much.

  • モンジT



    Thank you very much to the staff of SAKULA Dental. 15 years ago, I had an implant done at a nearby dentist, but it all failed, so I was referred to a university hospital and underwent recovery surgery. It was a major surgery in which bone from the back of my jaw was transplanted, but the transplanted bone disappeared and after a few years, the implant screws became visible and it became painful to polish them. The doctor in charge changed frequently, and my older doctor moved to another hospital, and I started to feel depressed as I regretted not having gotten the implant. An acquaintance of mine told me that this clinic might be able to fix my condition, so I decided to visit this clinic. I had an X-ray examination, etc., and when I told him about my past history, he kindly agreed to consult with me and said, ``Let's do our best.'' I was desperate, so I decided to take care of her. After going to the hospital for three years, I am now able to eat anything like I used to when I was younger, my life is more active, and I am enjoying conversations with friends so much that I am immersed in joy. I am truly grateful to my teacher!

  • S Fujiko

    S Fujiko


    I went to several clinics, but when I couldn't find a solution and was worried about my teeth for a long time, a colleague introduced me to this clinic! As my colleague said, I felt reassured and reassured by the skill of the teacher and the kind and courteous support provided by all the staff. The final deciding factors were good teamwork and a well-equipped, state-of-the-art facility. I'll still be in the hospital for a while, but I'm looking forward to it now.

  • 北野藍



    If you want an implant, go here! That's what my family teacher told me, so I went to see him, even if it was just to talk. I was also afraid to show the inside of my mouth, but first they checked my condition, took a CT scan, and then I heard a detailed explanation from the director. I learned that there are many options for treatment, including insurance treatment and self-pay treatment, and I was surprised that the dentist was very knowledgeable and that even the same dentist could provide so many different treatments. Many of the patients in the waiting room had already had their implants done here, and I was able to hear their stories. The doctor's personality and the teamwork with the staff are wonderful, and I feel like I can go to the hospital with peace of mind. I was happy to hear the staff say, ``I will work with you until the end.''

  • M K

    M K


    I'm so glad I got the implant! The doctor is a little scary, but he has good skills and his treatment is accurate and fast! Although he is like a craftsman, he has given lectures both domestically and internationally, and provides the latest treatments. I just wish it would get more attention. I have had problems with my teeth since I was young, and smiling and eating in public was stressful. I gathered information online and visited many places, and when I went to a certain clinic, I was introduced to this clinic. During my consultation, I requested that I have a beautiful appearance and be able to chew with my own teeth, and she carefully explained the situation, allowing me to understand the condition of my teeth and implant treatment for the first time. Implants require preventive dentistry, periodontal disease, dentures, orthodontics, aesthetics, and above all, oral surgery skills, so I'm really grateful that I met Dr. I'm very happy with the finished product now. I'll have to go back for maintenance in the future, but I'm glad it's convenient because it's right in front of Sannomiya Station. Thank you to the teachers and staff.

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