SAKU REN JIMBOCHO(サクレン神保町) in Chiyoda-ku



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2 Chome-5-13 Kanda Jinbōchō, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 101-0051, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 3-6261-0340
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6957088, Longitude: 139.7564431

kommentare 5

  • Louis Vidalinc

    Louis Vidalinc


    Very good value, kind staff, modern and conveniently located. Only fault is the fact that most rooms have no views, and my balcony was flooded from a faulty A/C unit.

  • en

    Alvaro b


    The staff its amazing, ive stayed there for only one night but it was the last night in a month trip that i did to japan, and i can say that it was one of the best hotels ive tried there. I have to send a pakage to the post office one day and it was raining hard .. as soon as i was going to walk out, one of the boys brought me an umbrella with out even asking him .. but not only that he ask me if he could take the pakage for me. If you think thats not great coustumer service, then you are hard to please. Apart ftom that, rooms are clean, great size, and i did not hear my neighbours 👌

  • H M

    H M


    Stayed a night for about 110USD. Excellent room and people for the price.

  • Final Prototype

    Final Prototype


    Considering most hotels in Tokyo, this was very spacious and comfortable; Great for two people. Jinbocho is an amazing neighborhood that isn't tourist heavy. Will definitely stay here again.

  • en

    tea cee


    Clean, convenient

nächste Unterkunft

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