Sakai Fukai Post Office in Sakai

JapanSakai Fukai Post Office



🕗 öffnungszeiten

1838-3 Fukai Nakamachi, Naka Ward, Sakai, Osaka 599-8272, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 72-278-0050
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.5351924, Longitude: 135.4898618

kommentare 3

  • ともみ“ともみ”ともみ



  • Kensirou Kasumi

    Kensirou Kasumi


    Whenever I used the post office, I always used this one. When I used it, it was probably my first time seeing it, and it was the worst (I'm a man around 30 years old). He has no motivation, and I'm sure he doesn't take pride in his work. This doesn't happen to other people, but I can't say anything specific, but it just made me feel sick. I will never use them again.

  • かおりんOSAKA,JP



    This is a post office near "Sofia Sakai". I often see customers who are elderly and a bit troublesome treated kindly. Compared to immediately after privatization, the atmosphere has changed considerably. All the staff members will make you feel welcome. It's not the post office's fault, but people who come to the post office park their cars roughly, which makes me feel stressed when I drive past. Parking is prohibited in front of the post office, but as there are no parking lots nearby, those arriving by car must park in front of the post office. It seems like they are trying to widen the zebra zone to get more attention, but it doesn't seem to have any effect. Cars coming from Senboku Route 1 onto the road in front of the post office will pass without slowing down. There are many situations where children and elderly people riding bicycles jump out from behind parked cars and get scared, and I am worried that an accident will occur someday. Is there no way to improve this other than relying on the manners of people who come to the station by car?

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