Sakai Coffee Hiroshima Senda en Hiroshima

JapónSakai Coffee Hiroshima Senda



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3-chōme-4-10 Sendamachi, Naka Ward, Hiroshima, 730-0052, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 82-569-7888
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.3777425, Longitude: 132.4555595

comentarios 5

  • danish white

    danish white


    I stopped by just to kill some time. I had sandwiches and pancakes for breakfast, but I wasn't impressed. It was delicious, neither good nor bad.

  • アンコズキー



    I visited to eat pancakes. When we opened, we had a lot of orders, so we were seated at 12:00, and pancakes were only baked at 3:00 PM due to the limited number of baked pancakes, so it was difficult, but now we can relax. Please be careful as the parking lot is narrow.

  • なな



    After I finished eating, I found out that the pancakes didn't come with strawberry sauce, so I asked the clerk, Mr. Nishimoto, and he said, "Yes, it usually comes with it. I'm sorry," and then disappeared somewhere. . They are very unfriendly and maybe they are busy, but there is no after-sales service. I thought the pancakes had only fresh cream and they looked delicious, but I was very disappointed because the strawberry sauce made a huge difference in taste and appearance. Apologies are natural, but shouldn't there be something like a drink service or a coupon service? I don't think I'll go again.

  • Johnny



    We ordered: 1. Napolitan 2. Macadamia Pancakes 3. Black coffee Everything was delicious!

  • 浅井英治



    It is a cafe full of luxury. It really feels like a place where the rich gather, and if you keep going there, you might be able to join the rich crowd. However, this does not mean that the coffee is expensive; it is quite affordable. Coffee was served on a nice table with bean sweets. Hourglass too. The taste is also top notch.

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