Saiseikai Niigata Hospital w Niigata

JaponiaSaiseikai Niigata Hospital



🕗 godziny otwarcia

280-7 Teraji, Nishi Ward, Niigata, 950-1104, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 25-233-6161
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.8790777, Longitude: 139.0049413

komentarze 5

  • 星星の



    When I used to take care of them, I thought it was a good place, and I even donated books before the coronavirus, but recently, when it came time to record an electrocardiogram, I left the electrodes on to record the electrocardiogram. I was sent home. I was clearly aware that I would have to stop at a place instead of going straight home, so I guess it didn't matter who didn't end up in the hospital. The doctor was clear and good, so I thought it was still a solid place, but the nurse didn't say anything, so I guess she told me not to come unless I was going to be hospitalized.

  • デスティンファローダ



    This was the hospital where my mother was admitted and discharged, and it was a very good hospital. I am very grateful that a doctor I could trust treated me until I passed away from an intractable disease called interstitial pneumonia. It took me almost a year to write this, but I was finally able to sort out my feelings, albeit little by little. I sincerely hope that someday this disease will be changed from an incurable disease to a common treatment.




    Very friendly hospital with competent and nice staff.

  • A SK (ragisa0227)

    A SK (ragisa0227)


    A family member was going to be admitted to the hospital for surgery, and when I asked if I could wait at the hospital on the day of the surgery, the patient's honest reaction was, ``If it's just an endoscopy (lol), I don't need someone to accompany me.'' It may not be a big deal for the hospital staff, but since it's my first time doing it and I'm full of anxiety, I wish they'd thought about how to react a little more. In the end, I calmly waited at home, but since they didn't tell me in advance how long the surgery would take, I was so stressed and restless wondering what was going on and whether it was a success (other than the patient himself/herself contacting me). (Because I didn't know when the surgery was over) I ended up feeling even more tired. They say things like, "You can come visit me after work," but the reception desk is open from 2:00 pm to 3:45 pm on weekdays, which is not at all kind to working people.Visitors are not allowed on Saturdays and Sundays, and there is no psychological consideration given to the family. I felt like this was a hospital that didn't care for me. Next time my family is hospitalized, I would like to choose a different hospital. The contract was signed so that even if you were to stay in a private room at the hospital, you would be charged the difference.

  • Bar Spade

    Bar Spade


    I got my inguinal hernia surgery here, it was the only place in Japan that I could find to do the Dasarda surgical procedure. Everything was perfect Dr. Musha spoke English a bit and the Anastasiaologist too. All in all I had a fantastic experience, I highly recommend if you get a hernia or are in need of surgical treatment in Japan you would come here for your best chance, Everything was perfect!! Thank you so so much!!

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