Saint Marc Cafe & Bar - Universal Citywalk w Osaka

JaponiaSaint Marc Cafe & Bar - Universal Citywalk



🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-2-61 Shimaya, Konohana Ward, Osaka, 554-0024, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 6-6463-3095
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.6685096, Longitude: 135.4379883

komentarze 5

  • luis escribano

    luis escribano


    We went for a wonderful day to Universal Studios, and was a very cold day, when we finished around 7 pm Monday, my kids had a very good time and wanted to have a hot chocolate and a piece of bread, we decided to go to Saint Marc Cafe, but it was a huge mistake. When we got in, nobody is greeting you, everybody has long faces, bad vibes all around, not smiling at all, all bored because the place was almost empty, looks like they are not happy what they are doing. The worse was when my wife asked some questions about the evening set and the chocolate, the girl in the counter was in her mid 20s, her answers were very rude, unhappy, bitter and the negativity and bad vibes flows all around her. We decided to go to another place after her answers because such a place with a huge amount of negativity, is not in our vocabulary. Definitely she needs a huge amount of customer service and retraining or maybe change works because this is not for her. Her anger, negativity and frustrations are so big, that she splashes it all around the place. Her behavior fails to meet customer's needs and expectations. Do you realize why all the places around the Universal CityWalk are full of people and good vibrations at 7 pm, and this place is so empty? Think about it. Very poor and bad experience, I will never go back to this place again.

  • Lucas Wong

    Lucas Wong


    The food there was amazing. I liked the BLT and the yuzu tea. The service was also amazing

  • Vincent Leung

    Vincent Leung


    Nice cafe at Universal Citywalk. Good for a quick bite when visiting Universal Studio.

  • Burger Burger

    Burger Burger


    Clean, cozy not too ex for a breakfast or a short break!!

  • Connor Lawless

    Connor Lawless


    Lovely staff, and nice atmosphere But I ordered a chicken sandwich and it only had enough chicken to be visible from the outside. It was like 3 pea-sized bits of chicken It had more ocra than chicken. So I paid 500 yen for some hot bread :(

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