Saikai Honten i Kyoto

JapanSaikai Honten



🕗 åbningstider

67-11 Nishinoyama Ibanouechō, Yamashina Ward, Kyoto, 607-8307, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 75-591-0591
internet side:
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Latitude: 34.972766, Longitude: 135.7960101

kommentar 5

  • auf heben

    auf heben


    I went there for the first time in several decades. I used to go there when there was a match. (-з-) ~♪ The building and garden are beautiful. The interior of the store has a relaxing atmosphere. Shops you can go to by car. It looks like a store where you can bring your dog along too.

  • あんこ



    A shop that the proprietress of Sasaya Iori often goes to. My wife went to the landlady's sweets seminar🍡 I used to go there and wanted to go and see it at least once, so I had lunch🧆 this time🚗 The store has a European-style exterior and a garden. It's very nice, they have two parking lots 🚗, and the inside of the store is European-style and warm 🤗 At lunch time, there was only one plate of curry, and my wife had a hamburger set🍽️ I wanted to drink coffee☕ I ordered a mixed sandwich🥪 It was delicious👌 I wanted to come again 🚙

  • Moe Tabe

    Moe Tabe


    It's not easy to access, so we recommend using your own car (there is a parking lot), but it's a cute shop that looks like something out of a fairy tale. It's not cheap, but it has a relaxing and calm atmosphere. Before 3pm on holidays, the store was about 80% occupied. I felt like I could sit even though it was crowded. [What I ate] Pudding strawberry chiffon cake iced coffee Iced tea -------------------- ¥2600 It seems a little pricey considering the location, but it's delicious. The pudding was also voluminous. Thank you for the meal!

  • Shawn Levi

    Shawn Levi


    Half of the beef in the beef stew was just fat, disappointing. Rest of food was super high quality though.

  • 85 H

    85 H


    Nice cafe

nærmeste Cafe

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