Saichi (Japanese bean cake Ohagi Shop) i Sendai

JapanSaichi (Japanese bean cake Ohagi Shop)



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Yakushi-23 Akiumachi Yumoto, Taihaku Ward, Sendai, Miyagi 982-0241, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 22-398-2101
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Latitude: 38.2273966, Longitude: 140.722194

kommentar 5

  • 学院恵方



    Ohagi (red bean paste) and green vegetable nigiri. Ohagi is famous for being able to eat as many as you want. Certainly, two of them went smoothly. The green vegetable nigiri is made by wrapping white rice with pickled plums in mustard greens. It was simple, but it was nice to be able to taste the deliciousness of the rice. The beef tongue cider tasted like beef tongue, but it turned out to be a fancy drink.

  • 明日もあるさ



    The parking lot is large, there are up to 4 parking lots (the 2nd one is closed), the delicatessen corner is in the second row from the entrance, and there is a signboard to guide you. A large amount of ohagi was lined up and refilled in large quantities. It was a sweet and delicious ohagi with plenty of red bean paste. The egg sandwich had plenty of eggs and cucumber inside. It's not too salty, and it tastes like eggs. It was delicious. The gomoku rice was delicious with the flavor soaking into the fried rice and shimeji mushrooms. They also sold other Miyagi-like products such as Zunda and Hoya. Agricultural products seem cheap. Some people said that Ohagi has become more expensive than before. It costs 175 yen per piece, so I don't think it's very cheap, but considering the volume and the recent high prices, I think it's not expensive.Although I think it's because it's a popular store, there is a very large parking lot compared to the sales area, and there is security. There are also staff members, so there may be maintenance costs involved.

  • Nattamon Ao

    Nattamon Ao


    Visit in late May 2024 Nowadays, you can buy copies of ``Saichi no Ohagi'' at supermarkets in Tokyo, but I wanted to try the original Ohagi so I visited here. As other people have said, I enjoyed the hearty ohagi, which was not too sweet. The Hokki rice and Gomokuni were both lightly seasoned and delicious. This is a store I would like to visit if I lived nearby. I arrived at the store before 12:00 on a Monday, and there was no line waiting to enter the store, so I was able to shop smoothly.

  • Steve Hakk

    Steve Hakk


    Ohagi is the most famous local treat in Akiu! It comes in 4 flavors, Anko, Kinako, black sesame, and Natto. Try them all... Natto is an acquired taste with health benefits 🫀🧠

  • 希望之花オルガ・イツ花



    Extremely crowded on weekends, but you can enjoy nice ohagis if you go.

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