Saheki Dental Clinic w Ebetsu

JaponiaSaheki Dental Clinic


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

5-chōme-15-2 4 Jō, Ebetsu, Hokkaido 067-0014, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-391-6480
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.1126832, Longitude: 141.5557317

komentarze 5

  • ソンソン



    to the first person When asked, "Why do we take X-rays?" I was told that it was also necessary for other dental treatments, I told him, ``I only want to treat the back teeth this time, so if you don't need X-rays for the treatment of the back teeth, I won't take them.'' The next person comes out ``Why don't you take an X-ray? I can't treat your teeth because I can't diagnose them, but I can at least apply medicine. ” he said firmly. "Then, can you treat me if I take an X-ray?" I heard that ``I will treat you, but this time I can only apply medicine. What do you want? What about treatment? Do you want to get rid of the pain? That's what I was told. ” “Is there a difference between pain relief and treatment? Also, I was told earlier that it can be treated without taking X-rays. If it's just medicine this time, I don't need an X-ray this time, right? ” ``That's fine, but if you want to undergo fundamental treatment without taking X-rays, you should find a different hospital.'' and an answer that doesn't make sense He always seemed bullish and irritated. At the end of treatment ``I usually give you pain killers and anti-inflammatory drugs, but do you need them? ” ``Please take care of yourself,'' he said in a strong tone three times in a row on the way home. I don't understand why you had to say it in an angry tone because of your mistake.

  • KTA



    He provides a short but thorough explanation of the current situation and treatment methods.

  • ミントスーパーブラックジャック
  • エグちゃん



    I wanted to go to this dental clinic sooner. The explanation and treatment are different from the dental clinic I went to before. He empathizes with the patient's feelings. It is recommended.

  • にゃんこ猫



    You can receive treatment in a calm and private room. Anesthesia will also be administered after applying anesthesia sheets. Even though I hate dentists, I was able to do my best because the treatment was done with as little pain as possible. It's very clean and the teachers are kind.

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