Ryumon coffee stand i Musashino

JapanRyumon coffee stand



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2-chōme-14-9 Kichijōji Minamichō, Musashino, Tokyo 180-0003, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81
internet side: ryumoncoffeestand.jp
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Latitude: 35.701271, Longitude: 139.5835

kommentar 5

  • invisebol



    It's a very cute cafe and sweet staff. The tiramisu is not an original Italian one, but still very delicious. The coffee and lemonade are very great as well.

  • Nils Valentin

    Nils Valentin


    Small coffee place with seats for 14 guests, 4 seats at 1F, 10 people at 2F. The host is very hospitable, offers great service and makes you feel welcome. The beautiful sofa corners are amazing ! The coffee, hojicha bear latte and tiramisu were excellent !! Definitely coming back for more. 👍

  • Stephanie Yap

    Stephanie Yap


    A pretty and cozy place which serves great coffees and delicious toasts. The owner is very friendly and courteous. Thanks very much for your warm service. We will definitely return for more! 🥞🧇☕️

  • Kelvin Leung

    Kelvin Leung


    We were waiting for a shop to open up, and being the coffee addict I am, I really needed my caffeine for the morning (who does not need a boost of energy for all the walking we were to do in Japan). I should mention its difficult to find a coffee shop that opens in the morning (most have openings at 1000h-1200h), but thankfully Ryumon has early hours! I am absolutely in love with this cozy little coffee shop that has all the right elements: a small but intimate setting, great vibes, and an excellent staff. It's everything you could want in a coffee shop. During the warm months, grab a seat outside on the single bench (since the space is limited). Otherwise, seating inside is quite limited. If you're lucky enough to snag a spot upstairs, you'll have a great view of the bustling street below, and of course, more good vibes to soak up. Oh, and of course, the coffee is good! We got the Hoji Cha Latte (★★★★★) and Cafe Latte (★★★★★). Both superb. Highly recommend if you are around the area :) (which you maybe, if you are going to the Ghibli Museum!) Overall Kel rating: ★★★★★/5 The good: Opens at 0900h! Caffeine is great. The decent: Limited spacing. The ugly: None!

  • Mollie McGalliard

    Mollie McGalliard


    Visited here and was a little nervous about my limited Japanese as it's so small. Everyone was really kind and friendly! The coffee was exceptional, the toast hit the spot, and the ambience was so calming. I felt right at home journaling in the upstairs room. Thank you so much for the wonderful experience! ❤️

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