Ryuju Ramen w Hamamatsu

JaponiaRyuju Ramen



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1407-1 Tennōchō, Chūō-ku, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka 435-0052, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 53-589-5607
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7405223, Longitude: 137.7692956

komentarze 5

  • 王様一族



    There is plenty of parking space available. Due to its popularity, we had to wait outside. You need to be prepared to some extent to have to wait inside. To pay, first enter the store and use the ticket machine to make your purchase. Set tickets are also on sale. There is a set ticket button on the right side. The water is self-service, so you have to bring your own cup and fill it up. Enjoy the most popular special mellow Chinese noodles with salt. It also looks elegantly presented. The soup was really delicious. The stew rice bowl is also a bowl where the meat is soaked in flavor and the rice goes well.

  • _VN Lyly

    _VN Lyly


    First visit to Ryuju, a noodle shop that had a lot of reviews 🍜 I tried the special rich Chinese soba salt and pork stew bowl set 😊 Although the ramen looks bright, my first impression was that it tasted bland😅 You can feel the effort and care put into each ingredient, and the prices are commensurate with that. I'm used to strong flavors, so it wasn't good for me. The pork stew bowl tastes just as you would expect from its appearance. The parking lot is spacious and the inside of the store is stylish. There were chairs and a roof in the waiting area, which gave me a very friendly impression. The staff were also smiling and had great customer service, which made me feel comfortable. I would like to try a different menu next time.

  • Shizuoka Morry

    Shizuoka Morry


    It's expensive, but it's very delicious. This is the impression I got when I ate it. Personally, even though I don't go to the same ramen shop over and over again, I still want to come back. Cooking style ramen with a light salty soup. This is a recent trend, which is why there are many female customers. The price is 1,350 yen, which is comparable to the simple Chinese noodles on the Muji menu, so it seems expensive, but the level of taste is still amazing. The soup was so light that I almost drank it, but it was rich and matched well with the noodles. Although the noodles are thin, they are elastic and not hard, but they go down the throat like somen noodles, and the noodles themselves are delicious. Really delicious. There are three types of chashu meat, all of which are delicious. There is a bit of a smell other than the breast meat, but personally I think it's delicious. Don't worry, it doesn't smell bad. It means that it has so much flavor that you can smell it in your nose. Is it Eringi? This is also special. It has a crunchy texture and seems to have been slightly grilled, but the flavor is concentrated. All the ingredients have their own individual tastes, and the soup brings them all together. It's really delicious ramen. Since it's a recent trend, it lacks originality, but the taste of this restaurant is so memorable that I think it's the best among other ramen of its kind. It was a restaurant where I felt the flavor of the ingredients rather than the flavor of ramen. It's expensive, but I think it's worth it. It was delicious. Thank you for the meal. *There are spaces to sit and wait both inside and outside, which is a bit of a pain because you can't tell at the entrance. I think you should be careful about this when waiting.

  • k h

    k h


    The ramen change my impression on Shoyu ramen. I had never eaten that good taste of shoyu ramen before. On Saturday 13:30 I lined for 30mins.

  • Aaron Mak

    Aaron Mak


    The Shoyu ramen I had here changed my life. It was absolutely exquisite. The broth was made with dried oyster and some mushrooms. It was clean, sweet and very fragrant. The sweetness of the mushroom really comes through. The noodles were on the thin side but had a perfect bite. Perfectly timed. Tamago, absolutely flawless. The Chashu and the chicken piece were out of this world. The Chashu was slow cooked, very thin, but fatty enough to be packed full of flavour. It almost had an Iberico riff. The chicken piece was perfectly seasoned. The hint of pepper came through subtly and the breast piece had a nice clean chew. This is an absolutely wonderful bowl of ramen. 出塚San and his lovely wife deserve full praise and respect for this excellently executed bowl of ramen. This is an experience I will reminisce about for years and years to come.

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